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Innovation and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector – digital horizons, practical applications Please delete the sub heading ‘Section.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector – digital horizons, practical applications Please delete the sub heading ‘Section."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector – digital horizons, practical applications Please delete the sub heading ‘Section 1: the basics’ as necessary

2 We are an innovation foundation.
We back new ideas to tackle the big challenges of our time. Who are Nesta? Nesta are an innovation foundation. We back new ideas to tackle the big challenges of our time. Notes: [nb: A foundation is a term often used to describe charities with private, independent or sustainable income that fulfil their charitable purpose by funding or otherwise supporting others.]

3 Image: John Grayson, Creative Commons

4 ShareLab examples Wikipedia FixMyStreet Mozilla Our priority fields
At Nesta we are experts in the best methods for innovation.   We apply our innovation methods to big challenges in priority fields that matter to the future wellbeing of the public - where we see both significant challenges and opportunities for us to achieve impact.   In the past we’ve achieved most when we’ve focused on a field for several years, bringing together our capacities to research, fund, convene and advocate.  Recent examples include helping the growth of an alternative finance sector; supporting the sharing economy; getting more children learning to code; and promoting the methods of ‘People Powered Health’ which is now being integrated into the workings of the health service. Our priority fields, and the challenges we address, are: Health - How do we help a health and care system facing serious financial pressures because of an aging population living with more long term conditions? Our focus is on empowering people, communities and frontline professionals to improve their health and wellbeing using tools such as peer-to-peer support and digital technologies.  We believe that networks, knowledge, digital technologies and empowered individuals taking an active role in managing their health have the potential to improve health and reduce pressure on the whole health system. Education - How do we prepare young people for  future work in a more automated economy where the jobs could be very different? We focus on helping children from every background to be ready for good jobs in the future - testing new ways to teach skills that are less easily automated, and expanding the effectiveness of  digital learning technologies to help all students. Government Innovation - Public services are at breaking point, stretched by spiralling demand, stagnant funding and citizens disillusioned by politics.  How can the public sector deliver more with less, and engage their citizens more effectively? We focus on helping governments adapt to the pressures of austerity and seize the opportunities of digital and data to solve problems and empower citizens Creative Economy, Arts & Culture - How do we protect and grow a strong, sustainable creative economy and help the arts cope with pressures on funding? We focus on maximising growth in the creative economy and helping arts organisations generate new sources of income, often using digital tools. Innovation Policy - how do we create the conditions for innovation to fuel economic growth and better meet social needs? We focus on helping governments design better ways to drive innovation in businesses, universities and society - using the best available tools for analysis and action



7 ShareLab examples Homepointr fairbnb Driver co-op Our priority fields
At Nesta we are experts in the best methods for innovation.   We apply our innovation methods to big challenges in priority fields that matter to the future wellbeing of the public - where we see both significant challenges and opportunities for us to achieve impact.   In the past we’ve achieved most when we’ve focused on a field for several years, bringing together our capacities to research, fund, convene and advocate.  Recent examples include helping the growth of an alternative finance sector; supporting the sharing economy; getting more children learning to code; and promoting the methods of ‘People Powered Health’ which is now being integrated into the workings of the health service. Our priority fields, and the challenges we address, are: Health - How do we help a health and care system facing serious financial pressures because of an aging population living with more long term conditions? Our focus is on empowering people, communities and frontline professionals to improve their health and wellbeing using tools such as peer-to-peer support and digital technologies.  We believe that networks, knowledge, digital technologies and empowered individuals taking an active role in managing their health have the potential to improve health and reduce pressure on the whole health system. Education - How do we prepare young people for  future work in a more automated economy where the jobs could be very different? We focus on helping children from every background to be ready for good jobs in the future - testing new ways to teach skills that are less easily automated, and expanding the effectiveness of  digital learning technologies to help all students. Government Innovation - Public services are at breaking point, stretched by spiralling demand, stagnant funding and citizens disillusioned by politics.  How can the public sector deliver more with less, and engage their citizens more effectively? We focus on helping governments adapt to the pressures of austerity and seize the opportunities of digital and data to solve problems and empower citizens Creative Economy, Arts & Culture - How do we protect and grow a strong, sustainable creative economy and help the arts cope with pressures on funding? We focus on maximising growth in the creative economy and helping arts organisations generate new sources of income, often using digital tools. Innovation Policy - how do we create the conditions for innovation to fuel economic growth and better meet social needs? We focus on helping governments design better ways to drive innovation in businesses, universities and society - using the best available tools for analysis and action

8 Collective intelligence


10 Or contact Peter McColl on to find out more
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