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The Democratic Unionist Party

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1 The Democratic Unionist Party

2 The DUP was founded by Ian Paisley and Desmond Boal on 30 September 1971 and is now led by Peter Robinson. The DUP has always had strong links with protestant churches mostly the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster which Paisley founded . The DUP is more Ulster Loyalist than the Ulster Unionist Party but this has been somewhat reduced under the leadership of Peter Robinson to try and reach out to non-protestants to gain more support History

3 The DUP were originally involved in negotiations for the Good Friday Agreement but withdrew once SF was allowed to take part while the IRA had weapons The DUP chose to oppose the Good Friday Agreement but it was approved with 71.1% in favour . Paisley said he would rule out any prospect of power sharing with Sinn Féin saying "No, I don't see it because I don't trust them and the people don't trust them," This was also based on the release of political prisoners and the lack of accountability of ministers In the NI Executive and NSMC

4 Evolution In the NI Assembly Election of 2003 , the DUP became the biggest party in NI with 30 seats . Paisley now argued that support was no longer present within unionism for the Good Friday Agreement. It also became the biggest NI party in Westminster with the defection of Jeffrey Donaldson from UUP. In 2004 Andrew Hunter took the DUP whip giving the party seven seats . Many became disillusioned with the UUP and began to vote for the DUP making them the most dominant Unionist Party . The DUP ironically benefited from something they set out To destroy

5 The DUP went from not talking face to face with SF to accepting them and with their leaders Paisley and McGuiness forming a good relationship – Chuckle brothers . This divided the party with many thinking a harder stance was needed – Jim Allister resigned forming the TUV saying he did not return to politics to "help ease Sinn Féin into Government Paisley was criticised by Dodds and Campbell and was forced out and replaced by Peter Robinson in Mrs Paisley said her husbands political career was "assassinated with words and deeds” by some with in the DUP By maintaining hard line policies the party has been able to win over many UUP voters e.g. flags / marches

6 Policies Justice – The DUP wants to Economic Health
Bring in legislation to increase the maximum period of imprisonment for offences involving violence Maximise administrative duties by civilians so police offers can have more time to fight crime Reduce the average annual costs per prisoner Resist attempts by republicans and the media to justify terrorist campaigns . Economic Aim to create 20,00 0 jobs and make NI the best place in the UK to do business Double tourism revenue to £1 billion over the next 10 years Health Improve the productivity of all aspects of the health service Increase awareness of long term health risks associated to drinking alcohol and trying to implement tobacco control strategies Introduce a Service Framework for Cancer

7 Strengths of the DUP They have been able to adapt to many changes turning their opposition of the GFA to working with SF and becoming the largest party in NI while keeping hard line voters and attracting new voters from the UUP They have had two successful agreements formed – St Andrews and Hillsborough , this saw their acceptance of SF & agreeing to go to NSMC meetings They have a high profile campaign movement using social media to effectively raise awareness to young people They have overcome many difficulties and have even came out with more votes e.g. Iris Robinson scandal of 2010 They have been able to deal with their executive department well , with Arlene Foster bringing big investments to Northern Irish business like the Titanic Centre .

8 Weaknesses of the DUP The unionist vote is splitting up as a result of the various unionist parties with the DUP , UUP , TUV , PUP , UKIP & NI21 to vote for . This has led to 100,000 unionists voting for TUV or UKIP instead . This weakness has been shown in rumours of unionist electoral pacts The party has faced criticism over gay marriage , anti Islam comments and accusations of carving up power The DUP has used the petition of concerns 38 times leading many question if they are abusing it Recently many within the DUP have been concerned with Peter Robinsons leadership and where it is taking the party and Peter Robinsons even lost an East Belfast seat to the Alliance party in 2011 and even said he would have "preferred not to stand" in East Belfast. The relationship between Robinson and McGuiness is nowhere near as successful as it was with Paisley , with disagreements over the Maze prison and flags as an example . Martin McGuiness has accused Robinson of showing "cowardice of the worst kind“ and showing "no leadership whatsoever" in his assembly constituency of East Belfast.

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