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“Cask of Amontillado” Journal

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1 “Cask of Amontillado” Journal
Is there any time when revenge is acceptable? Is there any time when revenge isn’t acceptable? Explain. Write about a time when you either got revenge on someone else, thought about it, or you were the victim of revenge. Explain what happened. Consequences? AT LEAST HALF A PAGE

2 “Cask of Amontillado” Journal
Have you ever been extremely determined to do/accomplish something? Explain the circumstances. If you haven’t, think of a time when you saw or heard of someone being determined or obsessed with something. Describe what you remember. How does obsession begin? Why do certain people become obsessed with something? MUST BE AT LEAST HALF A PAGE

3 “Cask of Amontillado” Journal
Hypothetically, what would be the perfect murder? What would be the plan?

4 “Cask of Amontillado” Questions
Does Montressor have the right to punish Fortunato? Explain. Did Fortunato’s crime fit the punishment? Explain. What is the point-of-view of this story? How is the POV crucial to the telling of the story? Who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist of the story? Explain. What is the major conflict in the story? Internal or External? Man versus what?

5 “Cask of Amontillado” Questions
List 2 things Montressor does to trick Fortunato into going down into the catacombs. How is Fortunato’s name ironic? Is Montressor a flat or round character? Explain. Write one theme you think this story says about people who seek revenge. Find one quote from the story that demonstrates verbal irony and one that demonstrates dramatic irony (w/ page number). Why isn’t there any direct characterization in this story? What complications in understanding arise from no direct characterization?

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