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By: Jaida Tipler Walt Disney.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jaida Tipler Walt Disney."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jaida Tipler Walt Disney

2 Date of birth and Date of death
Date of birth is on December 5, Date of death is on December 15,1966.

3 Birth place Birth place is in Hermosa Illinois.

4 Parents and Siblings Roy is his brother, Elias is his dad, Mike is his uncle.

5 Education He went to high school in Chicago. He went to art school.

6 What are they most famous for
He made He is most famous for because Disney Jr shows.

7 Interesting Facts Walt Disney was an American motion -picture and television famous pioneer of cartoon films and as the creator of Disneyland. Disney and his brother Roy soon pooled their money and moved to Hollywood. In 1911 his family moved to Kansas City..

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