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Fundamentals of Computer Networks

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1 Fundamentals of Computer Networks
Lab Three IP configuration 1/16/2019 Eng. .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

2 Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are unique numeric identifiers that are needed by every device that connects to the Internet. bits set to 1). Transmission Air Coaxial cable Coaxial cable Ca 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

3 IP classes IP addressing supports three different commercial address classes; ◊ Class A: , “N.H.H.H” ,3 octets to hosts. ◊ Class B : ,”N.N.H.H”,2 octets to host. ◊ Class C: ,“N.N.N.H”,1 octet to host. 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

4 Building a Switched based network
The computers will be connected to one another via a central controller called switch ,in this lab already we have 20 computers connected via switch . 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

5 Procedure Steps : 1. Make sure that you have picked straight cables. 2. Power off all the computers and the switch. 3. Connect the computers to the switch. 4. Power On the computers and the switch. 5. Configure each computer with IP address and subnet masks. We already have this connection without configuration . 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

6 IP configuration Perform on both computers. Click Start>Control Panel> Network Connection. Select the Local Area Network Connection and click Change Settings of This Connection on the left side window. 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

7 cont 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon
Perform on both computers. Click Start>Control Panel> Network Connection. Select the Local Area Network Connection and click Change Settings of This Connection on the left side window. You will see a figure showing the properties related to this connection 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

8 cont Select Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) from the list and click the properties button. You will see a figure as shown in the following figure. 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

9 PING command Verify that the two computers can communicate. Use ping commands. Steps: 1.Verify that the two computers can communicate. Use ping commands. 2. In the window, type ping, a space,and the IP address of a another computer . 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

10 IP configuration Check additional TCP/IP configuration information. To see more information, type ipconfig/all and press Enter key. The figure shows the detailed IP configuration of this computer on the screen. 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

11 Sharing folder between computers
Sharing folders between two Windows 7 machines with the new HomeGroup feature is an easy process. Steps: On the Windows 7 machine go into Control Panel \ All Control Panel Items \ Network and Sharing Center then click on Change advanced sharing settings . 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

12 Sharing folder between computers
You will want to verify the following settings under Advanced Sharing Settings for the Home or Work and Public profile. 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

13 Sharing folder between computers
If you want any user to have access the public shares turn off password protection. This is located in Advanced Sharing Settings toward the bottom of the list. 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

14 Sharing folder between computers
1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

15 Sharing folder between computers
Conventionally, you can most easily clear folders or drives for network use in Windows 7 with these steps: 1. Right-click on the folder/drive that you wish the share and select “Properties”. 2. Select the tab “Sharing” and click on “Advanced Sharing...” 3. Tick the box “Share this folder” and enter a a share name for it. 4. Click on permissions, mark the group entry “Everyone” and configure the network permissions for this folder in the lower field according to your requirements. If you just want to release your files for copying, allowing “Read” is usually enough. 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

16 Sharing folder between computers
1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

17 Sharing folder between computers
More often than not, you will also have to configure the user entry “Everybody” with the desired rights before it can be used properly for shared folders. To do so, 1. Right-click on the folder/drive in question and select “Properties” again. 2. This time, switch to the tab “Security” and click on “Edit...”, followed by “Add...”. 3. In this window, enter “Everybody” into the empty field at the bottom and click on “OK”. 4. Take a quick look at the permissions for “Everybody” and make sure they are all set correctly. If everything is in order, close all windows with “OK”. 1/16/2019 Eng .Haya Radwan Ghsoon

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