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Cycles of Matter.

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1 Cycles of Matter

2 Recycling in the Biosphere
Matter is recycled within and between ecosystems “Biogeochemical” cycles connect biological, geological, and chemical aspects of the biosphere Matter is not used up – it is transformed… The same carbon atom can be taken into a plant via photosynthesis, incorporated into fruit, eaten, eliminated, ingested, exhaled, etc.

3 Water Cycle Water evaporates from bodies of water and transpires from plant leaves  Water condenses to form clouds  Water precipitates as rain, snow, sleet, or hail  Water runs along the ground as runoff back to oceans/lakes and seeps into the soil… some becomes groundwater  Water in the soil enters plants (root uptake) (REPEAT)


5 NUTRIENTS “Chemical substances that an organism requires to live”
Passed between organisms and the environment through biogeochemical cycles

6 Carbon 4 Processes: biological, geochemical, biogeochemical, human activity CO2 enters the air (respiration, human activity, volcanoes)  Plants absorb CO2 in photosynthesis  Animals eat carbohydrates made by plants  C is passed through food webs  CO2 and calcium carbonate accumulate in oceans  Carbon compounds break down and return to the atmosphere


8 COAL: evidence for the FLOOD
Upright fossil trees within coal seams suggest rapid accumulation of the vegetable debris. Marine animals and terrestrial (not swamp- dwelling) plants in coal imply transportation. Boulders present in coal demonstrate transportation processes. The absence of a soil below many coal strata argues for the drifting of coal-forming plants. Experiments in the alteration of vegetable material show that coal resembling anthracite does not require millions of years to form, but can be produced rapidly by a short heating process.

9 Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen gas (N2) is in the atmosphere 
Certain bacteria “fix” it into ammonia (NH3) (nitrogen fixation) Other bacteria convert NH3 into nitrate (NO3-) and nitrite (NO2-)  Producers use NO3- and NO2- to make proteins  Consumers eat producers and reuse nitrogen to make their own proteins  When organisms die, decomposers return nitrogen to the soil as ammonia (NH3)  Ammonia is used by producers and some bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen gas (denitrification)


11 Phosphorus Cycle Important part of DNA and RNA (genetic info.)
Not common in biosphere Does not enter the atmosphere - stays on land and cycles between organisms and the soil Remains mostly in rock and soil minerals and ocean sediments It is washed into rivers and oceans where it is used by marine organisms. Plants absorb phosphorus from soil or water and incorporate it into organic compounds that are then moved through the rest of the food web.


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