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ICT PSP WORK PROGRAMME 2013 THEME 3: ICT FOR HEALTH, AGEING WELL AND INCLUSION DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT PSP WORK PROGRAMME 2013 THEME 3: ICT FOR HEALTH, AGEING WELL AND INCLUSION DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission."— Presentation transcript:

DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission

Policy Context Digital Agenda (patient empowerment, interoperability of EHR, active ageing and independent living) Innovation Union Strategic purpose, scope European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Prevention and health promotion Integrated health and social care Independent, active living Citizens leading healthy, active and independent lives Improving the sustainability of health and social care systems Boosting and improving the competitiveness of the markets

3 Obj 3.1.a: Telehealth programmes for the management of mental disorders
Funding instrument: Pilot A. One Pilot, up to 7 M€ EU contribution Focus and outcomes To collect, strengthen, enhance existing good practices that can be transferred and scaled up across Europe in order to: Implement widespread, real-life solutions for the treatment of mental disorders based on innovative telehealth services Validate and strengthen the evidence for the management of mental disorders based on telehealth solutions, especially with regard to cost-effectiveness and transferability of services; Enhance professionals’ and users' acceptance and satisfaction

4 Obj 3.1.a: Telehealth programmes for the management of mental disorders
Conditions and characteristics Build on existing projects, reuse and expand, established and scientifically validated methodologies. Involve public authorities, providers of telehealth services, associations of care professionals, patient organisations, reimbursement scheme providers, insurers, procurers and regional development planners. Target deployment of telehealth services for mental disorders in minimum six MS or associated countries, incl. significant number of national and/or regional healthcare authorities. To facilitate exchange of good practice and coaching, good balance of early adopter and follower participants.

5 Obj 3.1.a: Telehealth programmes for the management of mental disorders
Conditions and characteristics Deploy sole disease management programme for each mental disorder across several pilot sites. Based on multi-centric design (i.e. homogeneous intervention and homogeneous methodological approach) for comparability between pilot sites and large scale evidence. Develop guidelines for large-scale deployment of telehealth services for mental disorders and transferability of the results to other sites. To address technical issues, issues linked to cross-border deployment… Report evidence on effectiveness and efficiency; data concerning compliance and adherence to the treatment; and safety of the interventions. Not exceed 36 months duration.

6 Obj 3.1.a: Telehealth programmes for the management of mental disorders
Impact Stimulating wider deployment of evidence-based telehealth services for mental disorders. Contributing to a long-term sustainability plan for pan-European deployment; Providing practical solutions to address legal, regulatory issues; Contributing to adoption of common ICT-based components / building blocks needed for the deployment of telehealth services; Raising awareness, enhancing evidence on effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of telemedicine services on a large scale; Empowering patients using the services.

7 Objective 3.1b: Wide deployment of integrated care
Funding Instrument: Pilot B – several pilots for up to 7M€ in total Focus and outcomes: ICT services and applications in integrated care programmes (either vertically within healthcare or horizontal integration of healthcare, social care, long-term and self-care) Unlock innovative services and value chains Involve new actors (e.g. insurers) Deploy novel organisational models and care pathways Target primarily national and/or regional authorities deploying integrated care programmes for the first time

8 Objective 3.1b: Wide deployment of integrated care
Conditions and characteristics: Involve necessary value-chain of stakeholders (national/regional authorities, telehealth/telecare service providers, insurers, procurers, associations of care professionals, informal care givers, patient and elderly organisations, regional development planners etc. ) Deployment of integrated care programmes in several national/regional authorities, building upon good practices, experiences and results. Coaching of “first time deployment” regions by “early adopter” regions Clear identification of the target group of patients or older people and the health/living conditions addressed by the services For each target group of patients or older people: a commonly designed integrated care programme to be deployed across all pilot sites (i.e. homogeneous care pathways and methodological approach) – to allow aggregation of evidence

9 Objective 3.1b: Wide deployment of integrated care
Conditions and characteristics: Validate and implement the necessary organisational changes: patient care pathways; training of care teams, informal care givers and patients; reimbursement models and synergies between social care and healthcare budgets Operational phase of at least 12 months Report evidence on benefits related to health outcomes and daily activities, as well as effectiveness and efficiency Exploitation plan dealing with both the sustainability and the scalability of the services beyond the pilot phase Make results freely available – e.g. open source implementations of components and building blocks for services, specifications of interfaces, protocols, architecture, care pathways, guidelines etc. Quantitative indicators to monitor progress

10 Objective 3.1b: Wide deployment of integrated care
Impact: Contribution to improved communication and co-operation between health, social and informal care sectors Contribution towards first-time introduction of integrated care programmes in Member States or Associated Countries and regions Provision of practical solutions to address organisational, legal, regulatory and reimbursement issues for integrated care Enhance the body of evidence on quality of life and health outcome benefits, effectiveness and efficiency of integrated care solutions Raise awareness and knowledge of care professionals, patients and the elderly population of the benefits of integrated care Contribute to the competitiveness of the European ICT industry Availability of common ICT-based components/building blocks necessary for the deployment of integrated care services

11 Objective 3.2 (a+b): Supporting PPI in eHealth, active and healthy ageing and assisted living
Overall objectives to facilitate public purchasing of innovative solutions (PPI) in healthcare, ageing well and assisted living, which have not yet been deployed on a large scale (i.e. new/small scale). to support the implementation of the Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) of the European Innovation Partnership on Active & Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) aligned with eHealth Action Plan, related to innovative public procurement for new products, scalability and interoperability

12 Objective 3.2.a: eHealth Focus and outcomes
Funding instrument: PPI pilot, one or more PPI pilots for 5 M€ of total EU contribution Focus and outcomes to improve sustainable deployment of new or improved services by the health procurers covering target outcomes in line with the policies, e.g. improvement of early hospital discharge, delivery of healthcare in remote, sparsely populated regions, eHealth services, and pre/post operation care outside the hospital scope is to specify, purchase and deploy ICT based solutions which can deliver sustainable, new or improved services and improve the ecosystem in which health procurement approaches for innovative solutions are successfully applied

13 Objective 3.2.b: Active & healthy ageing and assisted living
Funding instrument: PPI pilot, one or more PPI pilots for 5 M€ of total EU contribution Focus and outcomes stimulating PPI in health and social care for older persons accelerating uptake and large scale deployment of new ICT based products and services (with demonstrated improvements in small scale settings of independence, functionality and well-being) support to proposal(s) planning to deploy ICT-based solutions addressing (one or several) of the defined SIP priority action areas of the EIP AHA

14 Objectives 3.2 (a+b): Supporting PPI in eHealth, active and healthy ageing and assisted living
Conditions and characteristics (common for a and b) Proposals driven by clearly identified procurement needs of (health)care organisations Solutions should be based on a complete set of common specifications for technology and end to end services The implementation phase should have the ambition to reach a scale of at least 5000 end users across multiple regions of Europe Proposals must associate public and/or private procurers from each country participating with responsibilities and budget control in the areas of care or supply of services.

15 Conditions and characteristics – continued
Build on and contribute to relevant standards to ensure interoperability and take into account best practices and relevant standardisation efforts Include a non-confidential, comprehensive socio-economic evidence base for ICT investments in the field to facilitate the development of sustainable business models Good practices will be made available for replication in other regions (e.g. plans for larger-scale sustainable uptake, guidelines, manuals and educational materials)

16 Objective 3.2.a: eHealth Impact
Contribution to regulatory and legal process development addressing possible barriers to procurement of innovative solutions in healthcare. Growing awareness and successful use of public procurement by the procurers to boost broadly the innovation in the application of ICT in the sector concerned. Support to interoperability and defragmentation of the market.

17 Objective 3.2.b: Active & healthy ageing and assisted living
Impact Improved quality of life of older persons and their carers, increase effectiveness of care systems and facilitate wide implementation of sustainable innovative services World leading position for European industry, in particular SMEs, in new markets for innovative ICT based products and services for the ageing population Contribution to the implementation and integration of actions of the SIP of the EIP AHA

18 Objectives 3.2 (a+b): Supporting PPI in eHealth, active and healthy ageing and assisted living
Impact (common for a and b) Sustainable implementation of services and creation of economic conditions that support long-term development More forward-looking, concerted, public sector approach Reduced fragmentation of public sector demand by enabling public purchasers to collectively implement PPI strategies Increased opportunities for wide market uptake and economies of scale for the supply side for ICT based solutions and services by forming critical mass on the public demand side

19 Objective 3.3a: Innovation for age friendly cities, buildings and environments
Funding instrument: Thematic network – one TN up to 1M€ contribution Focus and outcomes: Support the operational implementation of the EIP AHA action plan D4 Mobilising and supporting European stakeholders towards a wide uptake of relevant ICT based innovations Sharing methodologies and indicators to assess socio-economic impact of investing in innovative services for living environments supporting an ageing population Establishing and developing a covenant of majors to mobilise cities and regions in large scale uptake of innovation in support of AFE Develop evidence based innovation guidelines for implementation of innovative AFE Set up a repository of best practice cases and associated socio-economic evidence

20 Objective 3.3a: Innovation for age friendly cities, buildings and environments
Conditions and characteristics Mobilise a critical mass of key stakeholders required for developing the EIP AHA key actions of innovations for AFE At least 7 cities and 3 regions across Europe The network shall also facilitate the clustering of on-going pilot projects for preparing deployment of tested ICT solution The Network shall set up a repository of best practice cases and associated socio-economic evidence

21 Objective 3.3a: Innovation for age friendly cities, buildings and environments
Impact: Creation of large scale European community for developing and implementing innovation in AFE and related deployment of active and healthy ageing products and services Facilitate the emergence of an evaluation culture of innovative services creating AFE for long-term sustainability of pan-European deployment Emergence of evidence-based policies stimulating investment in innovative ICT based solutions for creating AFE

22 Obj 3.3.b. Assessing impact and raising awareness on benefits of innovative eHealth tools and services Funding instrument: Thematic network – one TN up to 1M€ contribution Focus and outcomes: Bring together the key national and/or regional actors to disseminate towards citizens, patients and healthcare professionals the evidence of the benefits of eHealth solutions.

23 Obj 3.3.b. Assessing impact and raising awareness on benefits of innovative eHealth tools and services Conditions and characteristics Create a user-friendly and sustainable means of disseminating evidence and information towards citizens, patients and healthcare professionals Build on national / regional stakeholder platforms / pilots, enable input from wide range of stakeholders in the domain. Link and align with related EU-level activities, (EIP on AHA…) Support and organise targeted workshops to respond to the needs of the initiative. Develop recommendations on best practice procedures to facilitate dissemination of evidence towards final users Not exceed 24 months in duration

24 Obj 3.3.b. Assessing impact and raising awareness on benefits of innovative eHealth tools and services Impact Increased awareness of benefits of evidence-based deployment of eHealth tools and services among citizens, patients and healthcare professionals

25 3.3c Sustainability of EU wide info-structure and collaborative governance
Funding instrument: Thematic Network - one TN up to 1 M€ of EU contribution Focus and outcome: Maintain assets (specifications, open source components, tools, architecture, quality seals,etc..) developed by interoperabiltiy projects (epSOS, SemanticHealthNet, eHR QTN, in view of the CEF, Transform, Salus, Eureca, others…) in view of CEF deployments Fill in the gap between the end of epSOS and the CEF

26 3.3c Sustainability of EU wide info-structure and collaborative governance
Conditions and characteristics Maintained assets must be IP free eHealth Network recommendations should be taken into account Handover strategy to the CEF Wide range of relevant stakeholders with expertise in development, implementation, maintenance, dissemination and use of the assets. Should include: MS, regions, healthcare providers, industry, SDOs, PDOs, competence centers in Semantic Interoperability

27 3.3c Sustainability of EU wide info-structure and collaborative governance
Conditions and characteristics Use as guidance documents: epSOS deliverables such as regulatory frameworks and recommendations for large scale deployments, epSOS sustainability strategy, epSOS policy, epSOS end to end service delivery model, etc… SemanticHealthNet recommendations on adoption and sustainability strategies eHealth Governance initiative interoperability roadmap Asset Description Metadata Schema specs The eHealth European Interoperability Framework, the EIF and the EIS Core vocabularies

28 3.3c Sustainability of EU wide info-structure and collaborative governance
Expected impact Smooth transition from piloting to CEF deployment Contribute to governance of eHealth Infostructure

29 Objective 3.3.d. Clinical practice guidelines for eHealth services
Funding instrument: Thematic Network. One TN up to 0.5 M€ EU contribution Focus and outcomes Encourage and support health and scientific communities to develop evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for eHealth services. Priority on telehealth services, enabling integrated care, continuity of care and patient empowerment. Special focus on nursing and social care workers. Share best practice, disseminate evidence, encourage development of new skills, implement innovative financing mechanisms for eHealth tools and services. Promote the necessary organisational changes to achieve successful telecare and telehealth deployment.

30 Objective 3.3.d. Clinical practice guidelines for eHealth services
Conditions and characteristics Involve relevant professional organisations – nurses, social care workers, as well as scientific societies and appropriate assessment bodies (e.g. HTA Agencies). Guidelines to be based on a sound methodology for evaluation of health services including cost-effectiveness, prevention of deterioration, increase in functionality, development of skilled workforce, etc. Align with other relevant initiatives in this area, notably EIP AHA Support and organise targeted workshops to respond to the needs of the initiative Not exceed 24 months in duration

31 Objective 3.3.d. Clinical practice guidelines for eHealth services
Impact Contribute to and support an evidence based implementation of telehealth services; Encourage deployment of patient-centric care programmes among nursing and care staff as well as the responsible authorities.

32 Further Information Digital Agenda for Europe
ICT Policy Support Programme Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme JPI - More Years – Better Lives Active and Healthy Ageing Partnership

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