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Domains of Child Development

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1 Domains of Child Development
Information adapted from Foundations: Early Learning Standards for North Carolina Preschoolers and Strategies for Guiding Their Success, NC Department of Public Instruction, 2005 B-4.01-Domains

2 Oh, the PLACES You’ll Grow…

3 Domains are types or areas of growth or develop-ment.
Physical development & health Language development & communication Approaches to learning Cognitive development Emotional development Social development Domains are types or areas of growth or develop-ment. B-4.01-Domains

4 Physical Development and Health
This domain includes: Self-care Safety awareness Motor skills Physical health and growth B-4.01-Domains

5 Self-Care Awareness of hygiene Basic hygiene practices
Basic self-help skills Ability to care for personal belongings Routine care of the environment B-4.01-Domains

6 Safety Awareness Importance of personal safety
Basic health and safety rules Comfortable, safe environment Harmful persons, objects, substances, activities, and environments B-4.01-Domains

7 Motor Skills Small muscle control Experimenting with handheld tools
Activities to enhance hand-eye coordination Developing body strength, balance, flexibility, and stamina Large muscle control Enhancing gross motor development Increasing the ability to move their bodies in space B-4.01-Domains

8 Physical Health and Growth
Participating in physical activities for longer periods Transition from high-energy to low-energy activities Recognition and eating of nutritious foods Awareness of personal health and fitness Participation in games, outdoor play, other exercise Adaptive physical activities as appropriate Better use of vision and hearing B-4.01-Domains

9 Language Development and Communication
This domain includes: Receptive language Expressive language Foundations for reading Foundations for writing B-4.01-Domains

10 Receptive Language Understanding increasingly complex sentences
Understanding/using a growing vocabulary Attending to language for longer periods Consistently responding to requests for information or action Comprehending and using language for multiple purposes, both cognitive and social Developing familiarity with sounds and words Understanding that people communicate in many ways B-4.01-Domains

11 Expressive Language Using verbal and nonverbal language to communicate
Using language in pretend play Using language to establish/maintain relationships Initiating and engaging in conversations Creating and telling simple stories Asking questions, making comments Communicating with expression Using more complex words and sentences B-4.01-Domains

12 Foundations for Reading
Motivation for reading Show interest in books Enjoy storybooks, information books, and poetry read aloud Independently “read” (turn pages, point to words, tell the story) Independently “write” (write symbols for names) Show preferences for favorite books Use books to learn about the world B-4.01-Domains

13 Foundations for Reading
Vocabulary and comprehension Develop knowledge about what things are, how they work Respond to questions about stories Predict what will happen next Relate personal experiences to stories Ask questions about what’s in a book Imitate the special language in books B-4.01-Domains

14 Foundations for Writing
Using a variety of writing tools and materials Using a variety of writing in their play Representing thoughts/ideas through marks Learning to tell their thoughts for adults to write Playing with writing letters, their names Using letters/approximations to “write” their names Attempting to connect word sounds with letter forms B-4.01-Domains

15 Approaches to Play and Learning

16 Pondering, Processing, and Applying Experiences
Drawing on everyday experiences and applying knowledge to everyday situations Seeking information to better understand Generating ideas and making predictions Describing or acting out a memory Forming hypotheses about cause and effect B-4.01-Domains

17 Curiosity, Information-Seeking, and Eagerness
Using multiple strategies and senses to explore Choosing to participate in experiences Demonstrating eagerness and interest B-4.01-Domains

18 Risk-Taking, Problem-Solving, and Flexibility
Demonstrating a willingness to choose both familiar and new experiences Demonstrating ability to tell the difference between safe and dangerous risk-taking Trying several ways to solve a problem Being resilient (“bouncing back”) when challenged B-4.01-Domains

19 Persistence, Attentiveness, and Responsibility
Remaining engaged in an experience Working to complete a task in spite of distractions Seeking and accepting help Developing a sense of purpose Ability to follow through B-4.01-Domains

20 Imagination, Creativity, and Invention
Taking on pretend roles Approaching tasks with more flexibility and imagination Using materials in new ways Thinking more openly and creatively B-4.01-Domains

21 Aesthetic Sensibility
Appreciating and using humor Demonstrating a sense of wonder Taking delight in beauty B-4.01-Domains

22 Cognitive Development
This domain includes: Mathematical thinking and expression Scientific thinking and invention Social connections Creative expression B-4.01-Domains

23 Mathematical Thinking and Expression
Using numbers and counting Recognizing shapes Understanding words for places (in, out) Duplicating simple patterns in the environment Sorting objects based on one or two attributes Describing a sequence of events Understanding size and volume/comparisons Using non-standard measurement Understanding the passage of time Using a variety of strategies to solve problems Making and checking predictions B-4.01-Domains

24 Scientific Thinking and Invention
Expanding knowledge of the environment Comparing physical characteristics of objects Using the senses to observe and learn Caring for pets and plants Asking questions and seeking answers Using simple tools to investigate Manipulating the environment for desired effects Understanding discoveries Making estimates Thinking about things that are not present Understanding uses of technology Sharing responsibility in the care of the environment B-4.01-Domains

25 Scientific Thinking and Invention (cont’d.)
Showing awareness of Their bodies Seasons and weather Time Changes in the environment (freezing) B-4.01-Domains

26 Social Connections Identifying similarities/differences among people
Understanding roles and relationships Participating in a democratic community Talking about changes in themselves/their families Making sense of their world by asking questions Showing awareness of different cultures Identifying characteristics of the places they live Recognizing roles of community helpers Helping others Learning about people B-4.01-Domains

27 Creative Expression Participating in art, music, and other creative activities Using a variety of materials and activities Creating drawings, paintings, and models Using learning in all curricular areas to reinforce learning in other areas Sharing ideas about artistic creations Showing respect for others’ creations Showing creativity and imagination Showing awareness of musical patterns Imitating musical tones, songs, rhythms Moving in response to beats and rhythms B-4.01-Domains

28 Emotional Development
This domain involves developing a sense of self. B-4.01-Domains

29 Developing a Sense of Self
Showing self-confidence as they develop Demonstrating persistence, a “can-do” attitude Showing greater self-direction Being better able to express/regulate emotions Enjoying playing alone or near other children Developing coping skills for change/adversity Managing anger Showing awareness of personal uniqueness Recognizing that they are members of groups Using pretend play to express feelings B-4.01-Domains

30 S Social Development This domain involves developing a sense
of self with others B-4.01-Domains

31 Developing a Sense of Self with Others
Approaching others easily, expecting positive interactions Seeking out others Being aware of the effects of their behavior on others Balancing their needs with the needs of others Working to resolve conflicts Playing cooperatively with other children Showing interest in others’ points of view Responding to others’ feelings and showing empathy B-4.01-Domains

32 Developing a Sense of Self with Others (cont.d)
Realizing the difference between intentional and unintentional actions Showing ease with familiar people Forming positive relationships Accepting differences among people Following social rules and routines Recognizing the classroom as a caring community with respect for safety and rights of others B-4.01-Domains

33 Oh, the PLACES You'll Grow . . .
1. Can you name the domains of child development? Can you give at least one example of each? L C S P A E Oh, the PLACES You'll Grow . . . B-4.01-Domains

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