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Implications of Computerizing the Hospital Health Information System

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1 Implications of Computerizing the Hospital Health Information System
- Noel D Lawas MD -

2 Session Objectives At the end of the session, the participants should be able to: Discuss the nature and scope of hospital health information management system Describe the changing demands in managing hospitals and the emerging role of better information management. Describe how computerization can improve the efficiency of hospital operations Discuss the implications of the changes computerization will bring

3 Conceptual Framework Major Functions of Health Care Institutions
Implement Quality Health Service Programs Management of Organizational Concerns Management of Health Service Programs IMPROVEMENTS THROUGH IT INTERVENTIONS

4 Historical Perspective – Then and Now
Implementing Quality Health Service Programs Then Grand Rounds Clinico-pathologic conferences Case conferences Pre-operative conferences -> Greater reliance on experts’ advises Now Clinical Pathways/ Clinical Practice Guidelines Nursing Practice Guidelines PhilHealth Quality Standards of Health Care Continuing Quality Improvement -> Greater use of information

5 Historical Perspective – Then and Now
Management of Health Service Programs Then Hospital Directors are dominated by doctors Decisions mostly based on advises and/or past experience of managers Collaborations between operational units are minimal -> Hospital service programs operate independently Now Hospital Directors are required to have MHA Chief Nurse are required MA Nursing Competitions between hospitals have forced hosp to go into strategic planning Increase number of computerized hospital equipment -> Need for greater synergy between hospital service programs

6 Historical Perspective – Then and Now
Management of Organizational Concerns Then Manual system of providing service and transacting business Mechanical performance of work Waste of resources is high Delays in completion of tasks -> Workers have become used to delays, inefficiencies and performing tasks automatically Now Computerization is acceptable if it will immediately lighten their work load Use of computers is mostly for wordprocessing, discreetly playing games, play music while working and if with internet connection, connect to Friendster, , facebook, etc. -> Wrong way to implement computerization

7 Lessons and Implications From History
In general, employees are resistant to change. Resistance are in the form of: Unceasing complaints Minimal compliance to changes introduced Management change creates insecurities to the employees When management anticipates the nature of resistance and does preventive actions, there is a higher chance of success. Knowing what changes will result to can help in making the proper preventive actions

8 What Computerization of the Hospital Information System Can Result To
Easier ways of providing service and transacting business through automating parts of a work process Example of how a work process is automated Assumption: must know how to use a computer Ensures complete recording of vital service information Example of how complete records are ensured. Assumption: must know how to use the specific software program Next

9 Example: Providing Ancillary Services Using the Manual System
Next Example: Providing Ancillary Services Using the Manual System

10 Example: Computerizing the Provision of Ancillary Services
Return Example: Computerizing the Provision of Ancillary Services

11 Example: Ensuring Complete Recording of Vital Information

12 What Computerization of the Hospital Information System Can Result To
Relieves the workers from performing confusing computations Example: Issuing charge slip for drug sales Assumption: The sales clerk has mastered the names of the drugs and supplies in the formulary Completes work processes faster Example: Stock Inventory Monitoring Assumption: All involved application modules should be fully implemented Next

13 Example: Issuance of Charge Slip

14 Example: Drug Inventory Mgt
Back Example: Drug Inventory Mgt

15 What Computerization of the Hospital Information System Can Result To
Enhances management’s ability to monitor operations. Example: Executive Information System of a 25-bed hospital in the Philippines Example: Executive Information System of a 150-bed maternity hospital in Vientiane, Lao PDR Basic features of an executive information system Assumption: Executive directors and department managers are competent to use information for management decision-making

16 Conclusion Implications of Computerizing the Hospital Health Information System Implications varies depending on the individual affected by the changes resulting from computerization Some will welcome it Others will hate it But many will fear it…, why? How about you?

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