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The Big Question EDU 800 Sarah Lewis.

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1 The Big Question EDU 800 Sarah Lewis

2 The Big Question EDU 800 Sarah Lewis

3 Topic: Emergency Preparedness
Experiences: Freshman year of college at time of Virginia Tech shooting Master’s thesis based on Policy and Procedure Management in Junior College Athletics Working at a hospital at time of local power outage/Zika Virus outbreak/Ebola Virus Teaching a course on emergency preparedness to medical students Ideas: What classifies an “emergency”? What policies are in place? How well known are they? Do they function properly? Do the key players truly know their roles? How can technology assist/hinder the process?

4 Research Questions: What is considered a public health emergency according to NYS health departments? What type of exercise is most effective for a public health emergency and how is this evaluated? What forms of technology are utilized in the NYS Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services trainings? (

5 Sources:
Biddinger, P., Savoia, E., Massin-Short, S., Preston, J., & Stoto, M. (2010). Public Health Emergency Preparedness Exercises: Lessons Learned. Public Health Reports (1974-), 125, Retrieved from Grieb, J., & Clark, M. E. (2008). Regional Public Health Emergency Preparedness: The Experience of Massachusetts Region 4b. Public Health Reports, 123(4), 450–460. Kamoie, B. (2005). The National Response Plan and Legal Issues in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. Public Health Reports (1974-), 120(5), Retrieved from Turoff, M., Hiltz, S. R., Bañuls, V. A., & Van Den Eede, G. (2013). Multiple perspectives on planning for emergencies: An introduction to the special issue on planning and foresight for emergency preparedness and management. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80(9), 1647–

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