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Marley & Me Jenny’s Necklace by John Grogan

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1 Marley & Me Jenny’s Necklace by John Grogan

2 Marley & Me – Jenny’s Necklace Vocabulary
radiate - (verb) to extend, spread, or move from a center location Guilt radiated off him remnants – (noun) Something left over; a remainder Remnants of the speaker cover surfaced for days. amiss – (adv.) Out of place or proper order The speaker wasn't knocked over or in any way amiss. rambunctious (adj.) - difficult to control or handle; wildly active As we searched, I gradually became aware that Marley was more rambunctious than usual. contraband – (noun) forbidden items I would lunge for the head, prying open his jaws and nabbing the contraband. laxative – (noun) A food or drug that promotes a bowel movement I prepared Marley his favorite laxative – a giant bowl of dead-ripe sliced mangoes. perseverance – (noun) Steady persistence in completing a course of action On the fourth day, my perseverance paid off.

3 radiate - (verb) to extend, spread, or move from a center location
Guilt radiated off him

4 remnants – (noun) Something left over; a remainder
Remnants of the speaker cover surfaced for days.

5 amiss – (adverb) Out of place or proper order
The speaker wasn't knocked over or in any way amiss.

6 rambunctious – (adj.) difficult to control or handle; wildly active
As we searched, I gradually became aware that Marley was more rambunctious than usual.

7 contraband – (noun) forbidden items
I would lunge for the head, prying open his jaws and nabbing the contraband.

8 laxative – (noun) A food or drug that promotes a bowel movement
I prepared Marley his favorite laxative – a giant bowl of dead-ripe sliced mangoes.

9 perseverance – (noun) Steady persistence in completing a course of action
On the fourth day, my perseverance paid off.

10 Marley & Me – Jenny’s Necklace Vocabulary
radiate - (verb) To extend, spread, or move from a center location remnants –(noun) Something left over; a remainder amiss – (adv.) Out of place or proper order rambunctious – (adj.) difficult to control or handle; wildly active contraband – (noun) forbidden items laxative – (noun) A food or drug that promotes a bowel movement perseverance – Steady persistence in completing a course of action

11 Marley & Me – Jenny’s Necklace Vocabulary
radiate - (verb) To extend, spread, or move from a center location remnants –(noun) Something left over; a remainder amiss – (adv.) Out of place or proper order rambunctious – (adj.) difficult to control or handle; wildly active contraband – (noun) forbidden items laxative – (noun) A food or drug that promotes a bowel movement perseverance – Steady persistence in completing a course of action

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