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Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Kidričeva 55a, SI – 4000 Kranj

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1 Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Kidričeva 55a, SI – 4000 Kranj
»Registration for Office hours« Oracle Portal prototype Tadej Ulčar

2 PROBLEM: set timetable of office hours does not always correspond with professors availability interest for scheduling a meting is not constant throughout the study year set timetable is often linked with considerable loss of time

3 SOLUTION: A working Oracle Portal prototype which enables the setting of the office hours at the time that best matches the expressed student time preferences and simultaneously corresponds with Professors' or Assistants' availability.

4 APPLICATION a.) Oracle Portal
is an integral component of the Oracle9i Application Server is internet based application for building, development and publishing of information portals it provides an extensible framework that integrates various web-based resources within standardized, reusable information components

5 b.) Professors page All meetings scheduled on a specific date
In the middle section the user data is displayed. Alongside is the form for setting new office hours terms On the bottom all scheduled office hours terms are displayed

6 c.) Students page User date and scheduled office hours are displayed
on the left side. Registration form On the bottom of the page active office hours registrations are displayed.

7 d.) Administrators page
Tabs enable switching between categories (terms and registrations, professors, students, miscellaneous). Active office hours and registrations are displayed on the left.

8 CONCLUSIONS the prototype is an efficient and effective solution of the problems that arise from having a set timetable of office hours the user interface, developed with the abilities of Oracle Portal is safe, reliable and at the same time user-friendly

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