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Clothes A presentation on clothes. The last slide has a ‘Beat the image’ game. Children should either try to say the word before it disappears off the.

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Presentation on theme: "Clothes A presentation on clothes. The last slide has a ‘Beat the image’ game. Children should either try to say the word before it disappears off the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clothes A presentation on clothes. The last slide has a ‘Beat the image’ game. Children should either try to say the word before it disappears off the screen. Alternatively in a ‘generation game’ style format let 3 or 4 items zoom across the screen and see if the children can say which items went across and if possible, in what order. This would be suitable for Y5 or Y6.

2 It’s a T-shirt.

3 It’s a sweater.

4 These are trousers.

5 These are boots.

6 It’s a coat.

7 These are socks.

8 These are jeans.

9 It’s a shirt.

10 These are gloves.

11 These are shorts.

12 It’s a dress.

13 It’s a skirt.

14 It’s a hat.

15 Beat the image

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