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Measures of Position Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles.

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Presentation on theme: "Measures of Position Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measures of Position Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles

2 Quartiles Q1, Q2, Q3 divides ranked scores into four equal parts, using three quartiles. 25% 25% 25% 25% Q1 Q2 Q3

3 Quartiles Q1, Q2, Q3 Q1=(n+1)/4 =Quartile(B65:B69,1)
where B65:B69 is range Q2=2(n+1)/4 Q3=3(n+1)/ =Quartile(B65:B69,3)

4 Deciles D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9 divides ranked data into ten equal parts DJ=j(n+1)/10

5 Deciles D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9 divides ranked data into ten equal parts 10% D D D D D D D D D9

6 k th Percentiles (for a given number k)

7 Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles
Fractiles partitions data into approximately equal parts

8 Finding the Percentile Rank of a Given Score
B=Number of observation below the value E=Number of observation equal to you N=Total number of observation

9 =PERCENTILE(A128:A147,0.45) Excel Function
50,65,70,72,72,78,80,82,84,84,85,86,88,88,90,94,96,98,98,99 (8+0.5*2)*100/20=45 percentile Pk=k(n+1)/100 =PERCENTILE(A128:A147,0.45) Excel Function

10 Finding the Score Given a Percentile
n number of scores in the data set k percentile being used L locator that gives the position of a score Pk kth percentile

11 Interquartile Range: Q3 – Q1 Semi-interquartile Range: Midquartile:
Percentile Range: P90 - P10 Q3- Q1 2 Q1+ Q3 2

12 Interquartile Range: Q3 – Q1 Semi-interquartile Range: Midquartile:
Percentile Range: P90 - P10 Q3 – Q1 2 Q1+ Q3 2

13 Interquartile Range: Q3 – Q1 Semi-interquartile Range: Midquartile:
Percentile Range: P90 - P10 Q3 – Q1 2 Q1 + Q3 2

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