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WHAT IS NEW IN RIF? Dr. ABDLRAHIM OBEID FRCOG (London) IVF Consultant Dr. NEVEN ADLI MD . Obstetrics & gynaecology (S.M.S.B)
Definition of RIF Number of cycles Number of embryos
Cleavage vs blastocyst embryos Fresh vs frozen embryos Failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after transfer of at least 4 good-quality embryos in a minimum of three fresh or frozen cycles in a woman under the age of 40 years (Couglan et al. RBM Online 2014)
Probability of failed implantation-good quality cleavage stage
Number of embryos transferred Probability of failed implantation 1 70% 2 49% 3 34% 4 24% 5 17% 6 12%
Probability of failed implantation-poor quality cleavage stage
Number of embryos transferred Probability of failed implantation 1 90% 2 73% 3 66% 4 59% 5 53% 6 48%
Probability of failed implantation-good quality blastocyst stage
Number of embryos transferred Probability of failed implantation 1 60% 2 36% 3 22% 4 13%
Pragmatic classification of RIF
Expected-recurrent IVF failure Unexpected-recurrent implantation failure
Do we need To investigate Further?
Expected RIF Advanced maternal age Reduced ovarian reserve Poor quality embryos Atrophic endometrium Do we need To investigate Further?
Expected RIF-anticipated implantation rate<=10%
Cycle number Number pregnant out of 100 1 10 2 19 3 24 4 31
App 70% of patients not pregnant after 4 treatment cycles
INVESTIGATE Unexpected RIF Young age Adequate ovarian reserve
Good quality embryos No pelvic pathology on routine scan INVESTIGATE
Unexpected RIF-anticipated implantation rate >=30%
Cycle number Number pregnant out of 100 1 30 2 51 3 65 4 75
App 25% of patients not pregnant after 4 treatment cycles
Ovarian function test(FSH-AMH-AFC) to exclude any significant compromise of ovarian function associated with RIF, which may help in the counselling process. Sperm DNA integrity testingIt is widely accepted that conventional semen analysis parameters do not accurately reflect sperm quality. Genetic tests are more likely to be useful as genome and epigenome integrity is essential for fertilization, normal embryo development and successful implantation. karyotyping
Evaluation of possible immunological problems
INVESTIGATION Uterine factors Imaging of the pelvis Uterus Ovaries Tubes Hysteroscopy Evaluation of possible immunological problems
Detailed Imaging Transvaginal high resolution US+3D-intracavitary and intramural lesions HSG-synechia, hydrosalpinx MRI-adenomyosis, fibroids
The effect of non-cavity-distorting fibroids on IVF outcome
There are three recent meta-analyses published on this particular subject all three analysis concur that women with intramural fibroids appear to have reduced implantation rates ,however, myomectomy did not appear to significantly increase the clinical pregnancy and live birth rates. A most recent study suggested that magnetic resonance –guided focused U/S surgery is possible noninvasive therapy for intramural fibroids as the pregnancy outcome after the treatment encouraging (Rabinovici et al..2010).
Hydrosalpinx It is advisable to exclude hydrosalpinges as a cause of RIF, regardless of the initial infertility diagnosis leading to IVF treatment. Ultrasound examination should not be relied upon to rule out hydrosalpinges as it may not always be visualized by ultrasonography. If the HSG is inconclusive , laparoscopic examination should confirm or refute the diagnosis beyond doubt.
Effect of untreated hydrosalpinx
Meta analysis Outcome criteria Group with hydrosalpinx (%) Group without hydrosalpinx (%) Odd ratio Confidence interval Pregnant rate 19.67 31.2 0.64 Implantation rate 8.53 13.68 0.63 Delivery rate 13.4 23.44 0.58 Early pregnancy loss rate 43.65 31.11 1.72 Odd ratio significantly different from 1(p<0.05)
Endometriosis Only 1 study showed that surgical treatment of endometriosis may be beneficial in women with RIF Retrospective 23 patients Almost half of the patients conceived spontaneously after laparoscopy
Adenomyosis Recently associated with RIF Only 2 prospective studies
Universal agreement on diagnosis ?? USG Doppler MRI
Hysteroscopy-emerging role in IVF and RIF
¨The incidence of abnormal hysteroscopic findings in women with recurrent IVF failures varies between 25% and 50%(Makrakis and Pantos,2010) After 2 or more failed cycles 15-40% of patients will have an intra- cavitary lesion(Olivera et al., 2003; Levi Setti, 2004; Urman, 2005) Polyps Adhesions Small fibroids Arcuate / subseptate uterus Endometritis Hyperplasia
Immunological disorders associated with RIF
Autoantibodies Thrombophilia Antithyroid antibodies Abnormal NK cell number/function
Antibodies in IVF patients
Auto antibodiy Frequency in infertile women Infertility association Known associations antiphospholipid Increased Unproven Recurrent pregnancy loss antithyroid Slightly increased Thyroiditis , miscarriage antigliadin Celiac disease antisperm No difference Fertilization faliure antinuclear Autoimmune disease antiovarian Ovarian failure
Antiphospholipid antibodies and IVF outcome
Antiphospholipid antibodies do not affect IVF success(ASRM Practice Committee Report, Fertil Steril 2004
Antiphospholipid antibodies & IVF outcome
Authors Odd ratio (95%CI) Pregnancy Birdsall et al 1.65 (0.50, 5.46) Denis et al 0.91 (0.42, 1.97) El roiey et al 0.26 (0.04, 1.83) Glicher et al 1.34 (0.36, 4.95) Kutteh et al .85 (0.21, 3.50) Sher et al .55 (0.13, 2.34) Average from pregnancy live birth .99 (0.64, 2.34) 1.67 (0.50, 5.56) .94 (0.44, 1.98) .18 (0.02, 2.14) 1.60 (0.39, 6.53) Kowalik et al 1.10 (0.42, 2.90) Average from live birth 1.07 (0.66, 1.75) Antiphospholipid antibodies & IVF outcome
Anti-thyroid antibodies
Is their prevalence increased in RIF vs infertile controls? YES (22-52%) Birkenfeld, 1994 HR Geva, 1995 HR Bussen, 2000 HR Bellver, 2008 HR Do they reduce success rate of IVF? Contradictory data 2 studies = yes Geva, HR Kim, AJRI 2 studies = no Kutteh, HR Negro, 2007 J Endocrinol Invest
Thrombophilia Conflicting evidence in relation to RIF
Five studies showed higher prevalence of one or more marker in women with RIF Grandome,2001 FS - Azem, 2004 HR - Coulam, RBM - Qublan, 2006 HR -Bellever, 2008 HR One study showed no difference in prevalence Martinelli, 2003 Haematol
NATURAL KILLER CELLS A number of studies have shown an increased number of PB NK cells in women with RIF, and in one study, the pregnancy rate of those women with high NKcells (approximately 12%) was lower than those with normal NK cells.
Natural killer cells A systematic review carried out by Tang et al.11 suggested that abnormal uNK cell numbers could not predict pregnancy outcome in women undergoing IVF. However, the number of uNK cells is likely to be altered by the hormonal regimens used in IVF treatments and this may affect the results obtained.
Natural killer cells Although abnormal PB NK or
uNK cell counts may contribute to RIF, there is insufficient evidence from which to draw firm conclusions.
Natural killer cells???? Is it worth measuring NK cells?
Are blood and endometrial levels concordant? Is there an effective treatment? IVIG Intralipid Does the treatment improve IVF success rates?
MANAGEMENT OF RIF A multidisciplinary approach should be adopted in the management of a couple with RIF. It should involve not only an experienced fertility specialist but also a senior embryologist and, where appropriate, a reproductive surgeon or a counsellor.
MANAGEMENT OF RIF The couple should have explained to them that any treatment plan recommended would be discussed and confirmed in a multidisciplinary team meeting and the final decision confirmed in writing. Secondly, there ought to be an agreed local protocol as to how couples with RIF should be further investigated and managed. This is particularly important as there is still no universally agreed protocol for the investigation and management of this condition.
Management-accepted Remove intracavitary impediments to implantation
Fibroids Polyps Septum Remove hydrosalpinx Improve transfer technique-difficult transfers (Asystematic review and meta-analysis of prospective, randomized, controlled trials comparing ultrasound with clinical touch methods of embryo catheter guidance concluded that ultrasound-guided embryo transfer significantly increases the chance of live birth and ongoing and clinical pregnancy rates (Abou-Setta et al., 2007).
Management-less controversial
Review stimulation protocols There is no firm evidence that antagonist protocol is better than agonist protocol or vice versa. There is some evidence to suggest that poor responders to FSH stimulation in down-regulated cycles may benefit from the addition of LH. Evidence also points to a possible benefit from the addition of LH to the cycles of women older than 35 years of age . Transfer at the blastocyst stage
Management-more controversial
Treatment of thrombophilia Treatment of thyroid autoimmunity in the euthyroid patient Intralipid and IVIG Heparin PGS Intracavitary hCG ,Intracavitary GCSF Multi drug approach Antibiotics, aspirin, corticosteroids, multi- agent luteal phase support
Endometrial scratch studies suggests that endometrial scratch is of benefit in women with RIF but it should be carried out approximately 7 days prior to the onset of menstruation, immediately before the start of ovarian stimulation for IVF treatment.
IVIG for treatment of RIF
Meta-analysis of published trials showed that IVIG significantly improves the live birth rate in couples with unexplained RIF NNT = 6 Clark et al, AJRI 2006; 23: 1-13 But… included 2 unpublished datasets Few RCTs
Intralipid therapy Intralipid therapy for recurrent implantation failure: new hope or false dawn? Shreeve and Sadek J Reprod Immunol 2012 Intralipid Contains soya oil, glycerine and egg phosholipids Inhibits proinflammatory mediators specifically Th 1 cytokines All patients showed a reduction in their Th1/Th2 ratio
PGS for RIF There is no evidence to suggest that the embryos produced by women with RIF are more likely to be abnormal. The frequency of aneuploidy (67%) in embryos from women with RIF was rather similar to the frequency (64%) in women without the condition. A recent review by Donoso et al. (2007) also concluded that PGD should not be implemented in women with RIF on a routine basis. No beneficial effect of PGS with FISH No studies with newer techniques such as array CGH
Conclusions-RIF Only a few of the potential causes are known
Most treatment options are experimental and empiric Well designed studies are urgently needed
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