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Christian Elbe Ernst Schmautzer

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Presentation on theme: "Christian Elbe Ernst Schmautzer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christian Elbe Ernst Schmautzer
Automated Electrical Energy Analysis for Domestic Consumers based on Smart Meters Christian Elbe Ernst Schmautzer This project is funded by the “Klima- und Energiefonds” and is realized within the programme „ENERGIE DER ZUKUNFT“.

2 Overview Introduction Automated electrical energy analyis
Gathering measuring data by smart meters Conclusion

3 Baseline Conflict Total power consumption Comparison not possible

4 Automated electrical energy analysis

5 Concept

6 Nonintrusive Load Monitoring
Changes of active and reactive power of electrical appliances Major electrical appliances Recurring patterns of load curve Frequent on/off periods

7 Gathering Measuring Data by Smart Meters
At least Average P, Q and U per phase Synchronous data collection Measuring interval ≤ 1 second

8 Interfaces of Smart Meters
max. resolution P/Q per phase max. resolution voltage Service-Interface 1-5 seconds pulse indication up to pulses per kWh or kvar n.a. Multipurpose Expansion Port P: 2-4 seconds wire-connected (PLC) inhouse: 1 second, external: 15-minute-average n.a., 15 minutes

9 First Results of Automated Energy Analysis
Scope 6 domestic consumers, period: 2 weeks Average total detection rate Investigated: 7 electrical devices + base load 50-80% of total power consumption detected Planned improvements Detection of further electrical devices Automated adaption of algorithm

10 Conclusion Analysis of total power consumption
Special expertise needed Automated energy analysis Detection rate: 50% - 80% Gathering data by smart meters Interfaces with adequate resolution for P,Q,U are required

11 +43 316 873 7562
Automated Electrical Energy Analysis for Domestic Consumers based on Smart Meters This project is funded by the “Klima- und Energiefonds” and is realized within the programme „ENERGIE DER ZUKUNFT“.

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