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Optical communications

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1 Optical communications
Simulation 3

2 Simulation Point to point link – single wavelength
Point to point link – multiple wavelengths

3 Dispersion compensation
Bit rate: 40Gb/s, bit length: 8 bit User define bit sequence: Dispersion: 20 ps/nm/km

4 Question 1 Change the fiber length to 5 km.
Observe the result without the FBG. Connect the FBG and FBG dispersion to -100ps/nm Explain the input/output result

5 Question 2 Change the fiber length to 10 km. Explain the output result. Compensate the dispersion of 10 km fiber by changing the FBG dispersion value.

6 Loss compensation Source: continuous wave (CW) laser, 0 dBm at 1550 nm. Bit rate: 10Gb/s, length: 128 bit

7 Question 3 Plot: Min. log of BER vs fiber length from 40 km to 100 km. Explain the result.

8 Loss compensation Add an EDFA between a 50km fiber and another fiber.

9 Question 4 Plot Min. log of BER vs the second fiber length (20km to 50 km). Compare with the case when no amplifier is used.

10 Multi-wavelength link
Power budget – multi-wavelength

11 Question 5 Plot: Min. log of BER vs fiber length from 40 km to 100 km. Compare to the single wavelength case. (no amplifier)

12 Question 6 In the multi-wavelength system, add an EDFA between a 50km fiber and another fiber. Plot Min. log of BER vs the second fiber length. Determine the second fiber length where the BER is Compare with the single wavelength case.

13 Question 7 Set the second fiber length at the newly found value, use a dispersion compensator to further decrease BER. Where should the compensator be connected? Find the optimum value of dispersion compensation, and BER at that value.

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