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Presentation on theme: "ENERGY."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is energy? Energy is a property of all things, and is absolutely essential for making all actions occur. Energy can be transferred in a variety of different ways… Light Heat Food??? However, Energy is not a physical thing, or in other words we cannot touch it

3 Energy can come in many different forms, depending on how it is being used…

4 Kinetic Energy This energy is the energy possessed by all moving objects. In other words, it is the energy of movement For example, A moving train possesses kinetic energy Do you think a train travelling at 60km/h has more energy than a car travelling at 60km/h?

5 Light and heat Energy Burning objects give off light and heat as energy. The sun in particular supplies light and heat to the entire planet.

6 Potential Energy Energy that has the potential to do something. Also known as ‘stored’ energy, this energy lies in wait until it can be converted into another form of energy. What happens when we drop a ball that we are holding?

7 Potential Energy Chemical Energy Nuclear Energy Elastic potential
Gravitational potential Energy

8 The law of conservation of energy
Energy can neither be created nor Destroyed, rather it transforms from one form to another

9 This means that energy rapidly transforms between different types, for example kinetic energy transforming into heat and sound energy. There are many ways in which energy can be transformed…


11 Sound Light Elastic Heat Electrical Nuclear Potential Gravitational Chemical

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