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Jacobean Revenge Tragedy

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1 Jacobean Revenge Tragedy
Lesson 11 LO: To explore the relationship between The Cardinal and Julia in Act 2 Sc 4. .

2 Quote analysis “I must have part of it,/ My intelligence will freeze else.”

3 “To such a forced expression of fear;/ I am Bosola, your friend.”

4 “[Aside] This mole does undermine me – heard you not/a noise even now

5 “You are an impudent snake indeed, sir
“You are an impudent snake indeed, sir!/ Are you scarce warm and do you show your sting?”

6 “The great are like the base, nay, they are the same,/ When they seek shameful ways to avoid shame’

7 Class reading Act 2 scene 4
Stage directions Cardinal Julia Servant Delio What impressions do you get of the pair’s relationship? What key quotations can you select to demonstrate this?

8 Comparing the Duchess & Julia
In pairs, come up with one thing that these women have in common. Closely analyse the two extracts you have been given and answer the questions set. (both are strong-willed women of the court, both conduct clandestine affairs, both will meet their deaths at the hands of Ferdinand and the Cardinal).

9 Timed essay – 50 minutes Timed essay next week:
‘The more intense the passion, the more bitter its effects.’ In the light of this view, consider ways in which writers explore intense emotion. In your answer, compare one drama and one poetry text.

10 Extend Consider: female sexual desire, Love and temptation as three possible examples of intense emotions. You can focus particularly on female characters - your main line of argument being that their 'bitter effects' are perhaps more extreme. Do not forget to meet the AOs: 1,3,4,5 (whilst you do not specifically have to analyse language for this question, it is wide to note any specific language/structural and form techniques since this allows you to meet AO1 critical terminology.) This will be closed text so you will need to learn your quotations and include critical material (so send me your crit essay summaries so I can upload them!

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