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Modern European Thought

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Presentation on theme: "Modern European Thought"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern European Thought 1871 - 1914

2 Charles Lyell Geology Principles of Geology

3 Charles Darwin English naturalist. Established that all species of life have descended over time from a common ancestry Evolution through natural selection The Voyage of the Beagle On the Origin of Species

4 Auguste Comte French philosopher – Father of Sociology
Positivism (scientific method is the best approach to discover processes by which both physical and human events occur) A General View of Positivism

5 Herbert Spencer “survival of the fittest” Social Darwinism
Evolutionary ethics

6 Theodor Herzl Father of modern Zionism
Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State)

7 Pope Pius IX Longest reigning pope in history (32 years)
Convened First Vatican Council (Vatican 1) Syllabus of Errors – warned all Catholics against everything that spoke of liberalism (ostrich approach to modern science)

8 Leo XIII succeeded Pius IX
Asserted that science and religion could co-exist Moved the church back in the mainstream of European life Rerum Novarum – supported rights of labor to form unions, rejected communism & unrestricted capitalism which affirming right to private property

9 Gregor Mendel Genetics Experiments on Plant Hybridization

10 Sir James Fraser Social Anthropology
studied mythology and comparative religion The Golden Bough

11 Louis Pasteur Conducted experiments that supported the germ theory of diseases Discovered that heat could destroy many harmful bacteria

12 Marie Curie physicist and chemist famous for work in radioactivity
1st female professor at University of Paris Only person to win a Nobel prize in two different sciences (physics, chemistry)

13 Ivan Pavlov Russian physiologist Classical conditioning
Behavioral modification Salivating dogs

14 Max Planck Founder of the Quantum Theory won Nobel prize in Physics

15 Albert Einstein Physicist; theory of relativity
Escaped Nazi Germany in 1933 Nobel prize – Physics Recommended the atomic bomb to FDR

16 Lord Ernest Rutherford
Father of nuclear physics Nobel prize – Chemistry "The energy produced by the breaking down of the atom is a very poor kind of thing. Anyone who expects a source of power from the transformation of these atoms is talking moonshine." – 1933

17 Sigmund Freud Psychoanalysis Dream interpretation Id, Ego, Superego
Free Association Psychosexual development Interpretation of Dreams Left Austria after the Anschluss for London

18 Friedrich Nietzsche “God is dead” Übermensch
“will to power” – more important than pressure for adaptation or survival Thus Spoke Zarathustra The Gay Science

19 Heinrich Schliemann Archeologist Excavator of Troy

20 Pablo Picasso Spanish artist Cubism

21 Emile Zola French writer most responsible for the liberation of falsely accused & convicted army officer Alfred Dreyfus J’Accuse

22 Virginia Woolf English writer, member of Bloomsbury Group (London intellectual writers and artists in early 20th century) Wrote in “stream of consciousness” Mrs. Dalloway To the Lighthouse A Room of One’s Own

23 Carl Jung Swiss psychiatrist, founder of analytical psychology (psychoanalysis) Said that dreams are the fulfillment of suppressed wishes

24 Max Weber German sociologist & political economist who influenced field of Sociology The Protestant Ethic & the Spirit of Capitalism

25 George Bernard Shaw Irish playwright and co-founder of London School of Economics Wrote about abuses of the working class Won Nobel Prize for literature and an Oscar Pygmalion (later remade as “My Fair Lady”)

26 Ellen Key Swedish feminist writer on family life, ethics, and education Believed in a child-centered approach to education The Century of the Child

27 T.H. Huxley English biologist
Known as “Darwin’s bulldog” for his staunch defense of evolution theory agnostic

28 Count Arthur de Gobineau
French aristocrat who developed Aryan theory of “master race” Said Western Civilization’s troubles came from degeneration of Aryan race

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