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Crime and Punishment Quiz ENGLISH, MATHS & SCIENCE.

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Presentation on theme: "Crime and Punishment Quiz ENGLISH, MATHS & SCIENCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crime and Punishment Quiz ENGLISH, MATHS & SCIENCE.
Downs Junior School Year 6 Homework Grid Autumn 2: Crime and Punishment. Complete at least 4 tasks (including the creative task in bold). OPTION 1: CREATIVE ARTS. WANTED! Create a wanted poster for a criminal. Make sure that you include the crime and what the relevant punishment is for the period of time. Police Alphabet The police use the ‘NATO phonetic alphabet’ when spelling words over their radio. See how long it takes you to learn the radio alphabet. Once you've learnt it off by heart, try learning it backwards. Can you spell words for someone to work out? Be Creative Your task is to create your own crime and punishment artefact/resource. You could make mini stocks, a pair of handcuffs, a Roman curse tablet, an information leaflet or another crime and punishment artefact. Make sure you include facts about your artefact/resource. Please bring into school by 8/12/17. Crime and Punishment Quiz Create your very own C + P quiz for the class. You could do this on paper or use the computer to make it. Make sure you know the answers to your questions! Flanimals Create something inspired by Flanimals. Examples could be: - An adventure story - A diary entry - A comic strip - A song or rap - An art piece P4C ‘Is stealing always wrong?’ Discuss your ideas with others. Jot down your key discussion points. Has your opinion changed? Money. Money. Money! Have a look around the shops at how much things cost. Are you surprised? We would like you to think about what you would do with £25. Think about all different options you could do with the money. Do you have to use it all? OPTION 2: ENGLISH, MATHS & SCIENCE. Neil Gaiman Write a letter to Neil Gaiman explaining how his work inspired you to write your own spine chiller. We will post these to him and wait for his response. Science Make your own sundial. Set it up outside and evaluate how well it works. You might need to look online for some inspiration! Bring it in or take a photo of it in action to show us. Poetry We loved reading your topical poetry in class. Have a go at writing a poem inspired by something of your choice. We can’t wait to read them. Data Handling Find an interesting graph/chart. What can you interpret from it? Be prepared to share it with the class. Don’t forget to play Sumdog! Instructions: A task in bold means you must complete it and hand it in by a certain date. We also ask you complete at least one other English or Maths task alongside other homework of your choosing. Alongside these tasks we still expect daily reading of at least 20 minutes, preferably to an adult, as well as completion of spelling tasks and regular times tables practise.

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