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Law and Slavery in New France

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2 Law and Slavery in New France
Law & Order: New France Law and Slavery in New France

3 Law and Order it is the INTENDANT’s responsibility to oversee law and order in New France the Sovereign Council only dealt with the most serious cases Why do you think the Sovereign Council only dealt with the most serious cases?

4 Who do you think dealt with disputes between the habitants?
the lower courts dealt with matters such as violation of fire regulations Who do you think dealt with disputes between the habitants? the King and the Sovereign Council OR the Seigneur

5 in France and New France a person was presumed guilty and had to prove their innocence in trial
the judge would determine if the person on trial was innocent or guilty Do you think it was fair to presume citizens guilty instead of innocent? Why or why not?

6 Punishments men were locked in the Royal Prisons women were guarded by nuns in the Hôpital-Général punishments could be severe and included: hanging executions whipping branding or, in the case of lesser crimes citizens would be paraded around town as public examples Why do you think they would “parade” citizens around as public examples?

7 Slavery in New France

8 Slavery legalized in in 1709 slave owners included: merchants traders
governors bishops priests

9 majority of slaves lived near Montreal & Quebec
they mostly worked as house servants but also worked in schools and hospitals run by religious figures the first recorded Black resident of Canada was an 8yr old boy who was named Olivier le Jeune by his owner

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