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EMHUA Members meeting September 2018 WELCOME.

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Presentation on theme: "EMHUA Members meeting September 2018 WELCOME."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMHUA Members meeting September 2018 WELCOME

2 EMHUA 7:30 pm League Reorganisations - IMPACT
7:45 pm League Rules Umpires should know 8:30 pm  Break 8:45 pm  Fitness Tests – The blighters are back 8:55 pm CUD - Progress report 9:00 pm  Members Questions 9:30 pm  Close

3 League Reorganisations
EMHUA League Reorganisations IMPACT? Andy Barnes EMHUA Chief Coach

4 EMHUA LEAGUE STRUCTURE Tier 1 Midlands Premier Midlands 1 Midlands 2
East Mids Premier West Mids Premier East Mids West Mids 1

5 By Umpire grade not top to bottom
EMHUA MRHUA Appoint Midlands Premier Midlands 1 EMHUA Appoint Midlands 2 Midlands 3 East Mids Premier East Mids 1 By Umpire grade not top to bottom

6 University Nottingham 2
EMHUA Div 2 clubs (12 teams) Loughborough Town 2 University Nottingham 2 Rugby East Warwickshire 2

7 EMHUA Burton 1 West Bridgford 2 Chesterfield 1 Coalville 1
Div 3 clubs (5/12) Burton 1 West Bridgford 2 Chesterfield 1 Coalville 1 Sikh Union Nottingham 1

8 EMHUA Beeston 3 Nottm Player 1 Belper 2 Nottm Trent 1 Boots 2 Repton 1
EMP clubs (9/12) Beeston Nottm Player 1 Belper Nottm Trent 1 Boots Repton 1 Burton Uni Nottm 3 Lough Student 3

9 EMHUA Tier 1 & Tier 2 clubs to receive appointed umpires wherever resources permit Very few Umpires will be appointed to EM1 used for development of new and C panel umpires. Unlikely Clubs 2’s and 3’s will be familiar with procedures . Appointments will be shared out to clubs in EMP as equally as possible Some umpires will be on unfamiliar territory

10 Tier 3 clubs unlikely to receive appointed umpires
EMHUA Tier 3 clubs unlikely to receive appointed umpires EMHUA MAY appoint umpires best suited to that level Some Club First teams familiar to receiving appointments are in Tier 3 Buxton Derby Mansfield South Nottingham Newark

11 EMHUA Questions?

12 League Rules Umpires should know.
EMHUA League Rules Umpires should know. Andy Barnes EMHUA Chief Coach

13 EMHUA League Rules are not just for “Anoraks”
Your knowledge will at some point be tested and may effect the outcome of a game AND YOUR REPUTATION

14 EMHUA Aim of the presentation is to highlight key rules that may involve you as the umpire Provide consistency in application

15 EMHUA Pre Match When must a home team confirm appointed umpires?
League rule 16 no later than 6 days and no earlier than 8 days before the fixture. Failure to comply will result in a fine

16 EMHUA FINES: Please Don’t be concerned about clubs that confirm earlier than 8 days. Unless any information changes and they fail to notify those changes. Where clubs fail to confirm no later than 6 days before.

17 EMHUA Check if your appointed colleague has received the information. YES & NO applies Contact the club liaison person as listed in your personal area to find out why it has happened and to receive the information. If no good reason provided inform them you have to advise the EMHUA Appts. secretary of the failure. Appts sec will note the event and look out for repetition. Repetition will initiate a fine – not the first instance.

18 EMHUA Pre Match Whose decision is it whether or not a game should start if there are questions about the fitness of the pitch?

19 EMHUA League Rule 11 Before Umpire arrive - Home side
After both Umpires arrive Umpires In conjunction with both Captains with SAFETY as the main consideration After game has started Umpires Rule 13 Umpires do not decide the outcome. Just record the score, time of abandonment and reason on match report weather - lights- equipment - walk offs

20 EMHUA When must team sheets be handed to the Umpire?
Rule 7.5 Before the start of the game The umpire must indicate this has happened when filling in the sheet. It is not the umpires job to confirm eligibility or not of a player or that the numbers listed match the players.

21 EMHUA Where can substitutes, managers and coaches go?
Rule 6.2 On the side of the pitch agreed or designated before the match by the umpires as a technical area. Rule 6.3 Only players and team management listed on the team sheet shall be permitted to use the designated technical area. Spectators MUST be outside of that designated area. Consistency week to week important

22 EMHUA What happens if my colleague doesn’t turn up?
Rule the game can only be played as a league game if both Captains agree on a substitute Different for club appointed umpires – Club umpire or player must substitute. Match must happen

23 EMHUA What is the minimum number of players required to start a game?
Rule 8 The Midland league has no rule requiring a minimum number of players to be on the pitch from either team for a match to start/continue The rules of hockey only stipulate a max of 11

24 What do you do if the team benches do not behave?
Rule 6.4 The players and the team management are the responsibility of their Captain. What is the penalty if management by the captain fails? Umpires may temporarily or permanently (YC or RC) any player or official from team bench. A player has to be withdrawn from the pitch for the duration. He/she may become a substitute.

25 EMHUA Is it acceptable for my match to be Videoed?
Page 21 Such video is for coaching use only not for broadcast or use on social media (without prior agreement) Any hockey team or umpire coaching team must seek consent of Umpires and opposition and make available to them on request. Co-operate – quoting safeguarding is NOT a reason to prevent this

26 EMHUA During the Match Rule There can be no appeal or complaint against any decision (or none decision) of an umpire on the field of play during a match. However Umpires are NOT exempted Note HUA & EH Code of conduct and Disrepute regulations do exist and apply.

27 EMHUA Code of conduct and Disrepute regulations
E mail sent by MRHAMLC to all Clubs re prevention of cases of urinating at the side of pitches. Recent cases of this where players urinate in sight of others (i.e. players, officials, spectators or the public) have resulted in reporting of and finding them guilty of bringing the game into disrepute. Has been known for umpires to do this!!

28 EMHUA Code of conduct and Disrepute regulations
I am not advocating Umpires have to report any incidents seen as a disrepute. I do advise Umpires NOT to actually urinate in such circumstances themselves (OOPS) To mention to the teams where this is witnessed the risk of being reported and also advise your HUA Where it is formally reported being willing to make a witness statement and/or report back to your HUA.

29 EMHUA Any Questions? I hope the presentation has
highlighted the need to know some KEY league rules. What the KEY rules are Actions to take to achieve consistency with the teams especially week to week Any Questions?

30 EMHUA 15 Minute Break

31 EMHUA Fitness Tests The Blighters are back!!

32 EMHUA Not applicable to EMHUA members
Unless seeking Nomination to LEVEL 2 A current level 2 wanting to progress up the panels The required levels and who can witness them can be viewed on the MRHUA website or see me later

33 EMHUA Club Umpire Developer 31 people attended last seasons course
All invited to attend a NEW module to allow CUDs to assess level 1 umpires at their clubs .

34 EMHUA If you want to become a CLUB Umpire developer contact Andy Barnes. If sufficient interest then a course will be run this season If you are an active CUD and wish to be able to undertake level 1 assessments at your own club contact Andy Barnes


36 EMHUA QUESTION TIME Q 1. What is the Correct Management to Control process of VERBAL?

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