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Working Group F Thematic Workshop on Flood Mapping Dublin,

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1 Working Group F Thematic Workshop on Flood Mapping Dublin, 17. -19
Working Group F Thematic Workshop on Flood Mapping Dublin, September 2008 Flood Risk Management – Hazard and Risk Maps (HARM) – First Results for Germany Prof. Dr. Martin Socher Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft

2 1. German Situation Federal Republic with 16 Federal Länder
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz 1. German Situation Federal Republic with 16 Federal Länder Direct neighbour of 8 EU Member States and Switzerland Drainage area for Baltic Sea, North Sea and Black Sea Ten River Basins, only one entirely in Germany (Weser) Member of a number of International River Commissions such as Rhine, Maas, Danube, Oder, Elbe As a consequence transposition of Flood Risk Management Directive must be based on inner German Harmonisation and European Cooperation and Solidarity 17. September 2008

3 Main River Basins in Germany
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz Main River Basins in Germany (from Water Framework Directive) Maas Rhine Ems Weser Elbe Eider Schlei/Trave Warnow/Peene Odra Danube 17. September 2008

4 To report / complete until national international
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz Article To report / complete until national international Art. 13 (1), 13 (2), 13 (3) Transitional Measures X X /13 (3)/ Art. 4 (3) Preliminary flood risk assessment -Transfer of information x X Coordination Art. 4 (4) Preliminary flood risk assessment Art. 5 (1) Identification of risk Art. 5 (2) Identification of risk - Coordination Art. 6 (8) Flood hazard maps/ Flood risk maps Art. 7 (5) Flood risk management plans Art. 7 (4) and 8(2) Flood risk management plans – Principle of solidarity 17. September 2008

5 Major Flood Events in Germany (Data from Dartmouth Flood Register)
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz Major Flood Events in Germany (Data from Dartmouth Flood Register) 17. September 2008

6 Recommended structure of flood hazard map projects:
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz 2. Current Approach in Germany Flood hazard map guidelines of the German Working Group of the Federal States on Water Issues – Overview (Bund / Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser (LAWA)) Recommended structure of flood hazard map projects: Project definition; data inventory and requirements analysis Definition of the relevant topography Hydrology and hydraulics Map production Public information measures 17. September 2008

7 – Define investigation area
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz 1. Project definition; data inventory and requirements analysis – Define the organisational chart (concerning responsibilities, public relations, data collection activities) – Define investigation area – Verify available data and identify data gaps – Estimate cost and effort for data collection and processing 2. Definition of the relevant topography – Survey the watercourse – Define all basic essentials for hydraulic analysis (cross sections, engineering structures ...) – Create terrain models (by photogrammetric analyses or laser scanning) 17. September 2008

8 3. Hydrology and hydraulics
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz 3. Hydrology and hydraulics – Create numerical model for hydraulic analysis – Carry out hydrological calculations – Determine water levels, velocities and flooded areas 4. Map production – Produce flood hazard maps according to standardised layout specifications 5. Public information measures – Publish and distribute the maps – Training for map use, i. g. workshops 17. September 2008

9 River Müglitz 2002 (Elbe River basin) Referat:
Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz River Müglitz 2002 (Elbe River basin) 17. September 2008

10 River Schwarze Elster 2006 (Elbe River basin) Referat:
Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz River Schwarze Elster 2006 (Elbe River basin) 17. September 2008

11 River Elbe (Dresden) 2006 Referat:
Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz River Elbe (Dresden) 2006 17. September 2008

12 3. Potential flood hazard map users
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz 3. Potential flood hazard map users Water management agencies Regional/land use planning agencies Local planning agencies Disaster and emergency planning agencies Insurances Stakeholders affected by flooding 17. September 2008

13 developing and prioritizing flood protection plans
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz The water management agencies of Germany's Bundesländer can use flood hazard maps as a basis for the following: developing and prioritizing flood protection plans planning the reactivation of existing water retention areas formulating the relevant policies developing guidelines for handling substances that pose a risk to water resources, by mapping areas at risk identification of floodplains. 17. September 2008

14 Flood fighting and disaster control agencies
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz Flood fighting and disaster control agencies Flood hazard maps provide information concerning flood conditions (water depth, flood water velocity) in a specific area, and thus allow for planning and implementation of strategic action plans for specific scenarios. Specific analyses of data sets comprising an amalgamation of flood hazard map information and additional empirical data allow for the following: Hazard identification Optimized use of human and material resources Identification and optimization of evacuation routes Identification of the need for additional flood barriers (horizontal structures) and secondary lines of defence against floods so as to avoid or delay the inundation of other areas when primary flood barriers fail. 17. September 2008

15 Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz 4. Flood hazard zone maps Flood hazard zone maps show area-specific flood hazard categories based on the interplay between probability and intensity. Figure 2 shows the relationship between flood intensity and the probability of flooding, based on the following flood hazard categories: Extreme hazard (red) Moderate hazard (blue) Low hazard (yellow) Residual hazard (hatched) 17. September 2008

16 Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz Figure 2: Hazard categories based on the interplay between probability (horizontal) and intensity (vertical), categories: high, medium low, very low 17. September 2008

17 Flat areas Steep areas Water depth (h) Water velocity (v)
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz Table 3: Examples of intensity classifications Flat areas Steep areas Intensity Water depth (h) Water velocity (v) High >2.0 m > 2 m/s Medium 0.5 to 2.0 m 0.5 to 2.0 m/s Low < 0.5 m < 0.5 m/s 17. September 2008

18 EU Flood Direktive III.6 (5) c): Flood Risk Maps -
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz EU Flood Direktive III.6 (5) c): Flood Risk Maps - Implementation of European Pollutant Emission Register Data (EPER) (in future Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - PRTR) 17. September 2008

19 no/partially specific flow (discharge)
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz Table 4: Examples of Flood hazard map features Bundesland Hazard zones? Water depth? Water velocity? Return periods North Rhine-Westphalia No yes 10-50, 100, years; extreme flooding Baden-Württemberg no 10, 50, 100; extreme flooding Saxony no/partially specific flow (discharge) 20, 50, 100, 200 years; extreme flooding Rhineland-Palatinate partially 25, 50, 100, extreme flooding 17. September 2008

20 Table 5: Map scales used for flood hazard maps
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz Table 5: Map scales used for flood hazard maps Users Scale Basic information on map background Map type Regional planners 1:50,000 up to 1:100,000 Topographical maps with a scale of 1:25,000 up to 1:50,000 Regional plans Local planners 1:1,000 up to 1:25,000 Topographical maps with a scale of 1:25,000 ATKIS DLM 25 Cadastral maps Urban development land use plans Development plans Water management agencies 1:5,000 up to 1:10,000 Topographical maps [German topographical maps with a 1:5,000 scale]; topographical maps with a 1:5,000 or 1:10,000 scale Emergency planning agencies Emergency alert and emergency action plan maps Insurance sector 1:10,000 Topographical maps with a scale of 1:10,000 Zoning maps 17. September 2008

21 Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz 6. Outlook Bringing into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with the FRMD before 26/11/2009 Cooperation on River Basin and transnationally shared River Basin level Continuation of technical work on Länder level with a view on Article 13 Continuation of technical work on HARM for coastal areas with a limited scenario Integration of HARM into Disaster Management systems Forward integration with air/ space based monitoring technologies/ systems Interactive tools on operative municipal level 17. September 2008

22 Examples for Cooperation
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz Examples for Cooperation Within Germany and among Member States: Project FLIWAS Flood Information and Warning System) with different partners such as: Land Baden–Württemberg, regional government of Karlsruhe, districts and municipalities (DE), City of Cologne (DE), STOWA (Lead-Partner, NL). Among Member States: Project TIMIS Flood Internet Map Information System on Flooding with a number of EU partners such as: Ministere de l‘Interieur et de l‘Amenagement du Territoire, Luxembourg (Lead Partner), Ministerium für Umwelt, Forsten und Verbraucherschutz, Rheinland-Pfalz (DE), Landesamt für Umwelt, Wasserwirtschaft und Gewerbeaufsicht, Rheinland-Pfalz (DE), Direction Regionale de l‘Environment, Lorraine, Metz (F), Service Navigation de Strasbourg (F), Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg (DE), Municipality of Wittlich (DE) 17. September 2008

23 Examples for Cooperation
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz Examples for Cooperation Among Member States: Project SAFER Strategies and Actions / Implementation for Flood Emergency Risk Management, based on Flood Hazard Maps, with a number of EU partners such as: Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart (Lead Partner, DE), Dublin City Council (IRE), Forestry Commission Scotland (UK), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (CH) 17. September 2008

24 Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz FloodScan – a pilot study concerning the implementation of the directive 2007/60/EC in Bavaria FloodScan - project overview: supported by the EU Life Environment Programme aims to develop precise, time and cost efficient technologies in the area of hydraulic 2d-modelling for the identification of flood plains and for the elaboration of flood hazard maps. Duration: July 2006 – December 2009 Tasks and objectives:  Refinement and simplification of data processing, use of new data bases  Improvement of hydraulic 2d-modelling: • use of original data, implementation of an improved web mapping service • elaboration of requirements and specifications for the calculation of flood hazard maps  Transferability – recheck of overall practicability of the methods and data  Dissemination and Communication – implementation of communication and information instruments, evaluation of developed maps and services  results assist to implement the directive 2007/60/EC Bavarian Environment Agency Bavarian Agency for Surveying and Geographic Information Technische Universität München Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy 17. September 2008

25 Creating flood hazard maps
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz Creating flood hazard maps example for flood hazard maps created with hydraulic 2d-modelling Blue colours: Association with water! Bavarian Environment Agency Bavarian Agency for Surveying and Geographic Information Technische Universität München Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy 17. September 2008

26 Action Status Tracking
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz INGE – Interactive Risk Map for the Municipal Flood Protection maintain address data and action plans maintain complete alarm escalation plans incl. related documents and pictures maintain status and history of actual situation display actual maps of affected objects for different scenarios display predefined flood risk, flood hazard and municipal flood information maps include individual water level gauges INGE Main Partitions: GIS Component Situation Query Object Survey Action Status Tracking 17. September 2008

27 - visualizes alarm escalation plans of municipals.
Referat: Oberflächengewässer, Hochwasserschutz - visualizes alarm escalation plans of municipals. - provides a quick and comprehensive overview of endangered objects - provides a quick and comprehensive overview of planned, processed and finalised measures (action status tracking) - visual support of flood management through existing maps or photos of past flood events The software INGE “Interactive Risk Map for the Municipal Flood Protection” 17. September 2008

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