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Prof. Virginia Ayres Electrical & Computer Engineering

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1 ECE 802-604: Nanoelectronics
Prof. Virginia Ayres Electrical & Computer Engineering Michigan State University

2 Lecture 08, 24 Sep 13 In Chapter 02 in Datta:
Transport: current I = GV V = IR => I = GV Velocity Energy levels M  M(E) Conductance G in a 1-DEG Scaling back up to 3-DEG using M Transmission probability: the new ‘resistance’ How to evaluate the Transmission/Reflection probability How to correctly measure I = GV Landauer-Buttiker: all things equal 4-point probe experiments: set-up and read out VM Ayres, ECE , F13

3 Current I: basic idea: VM Ayres, ECE , F13

4 Current I: basic idea: VM Ayres, ECE , F13

5 Current I: basic idea: VM Ayres, ECE , F13

6 1-Deg (no B) experiments: transport direction along kx:
z y px ny2 ħ2p nz2 ħ2p Ec 2m* m*Ly m*Lz2 E = x Transport in x direction Infinite square well (top) in y direction OR Parabolic well (bottom) in y direction Infinite square well in z direction Well separated energy levels => nz = 1 px (ny + 1 )ħw nz2 ħ2p Ec 2m* m*Lz2 E = VM Ayres, ECE , F13

7 1 Deg from parabolic U(y): energy eigenvalues:
x x x x Group velocity is ready VM Ayres, ECE , F13

8 Group velocity relationship: where from:
Conservation of Energy (special Sch eq’n): VM Ayres, ECE , F13

9 Current I: basic idea: wrong: VM Ayres, ECE , F13

10 1-DEG NT(E): just write down:
VM Ayres, ECE , F13

11 1-DEG NT(E): just write down:
Answer: VM Ayres, ECE , F13

12 1-DEG NT(E) for parabolic U(y), B = 0:
VM Ayres, ECE , F13

13 1-DEG N(E) for parabolic U(y), B = 0:
VM Ayres, ECE , F13

14 A finesse on N(E) in a transport situation:
VM Ayres, ECE , F13

15 And can fill in the kx blank for group velocity:
VM Ayres, ECE , F13

16 Calculate I: check Units first:
VM Ayres, ECE , F13

17 Calculate I: VM Ayres, ECE , F13

18 Calculate I: VM Ayres, ECE , F13

19 What does ny do? It means e- has a choice of available energy levels, all of which have conductance G that become available as e- get more energy from applied V VM Ayres, ECE , F13

20 What does ny do? It means e- has a choice of available energy levels, all of which have conductance G that become available as e- get more energy from applied V. Sum Conductance G, just like nL in Pr. 1.3, and the result is: VM Ayres, ECE , F13

21 W Vsource to drain keep constant Vgate changes W
VM Ayres, ECE , F13

22 What are m1 and m2: Units: these are energies related to the applied potential. note: eV / e = Volts VM Ayres, ECE , F13

23 1 Deg + contacts and VDS: introduces a E-field vector potential in x: effect on transport px
z y (px+pxE) ny2 ħ2p nz2 ħ2p Ec 2m* m*Ly m*Lz2 E = x Transport in x direction Infinite square well (top) in y direction OR Parabolic well (bottom) in y direction Infinite square well in z direction Well separated energy levels => nz = 1 (px+pxE) (ny + 1 )ħw nz2 ħ2p Ec 2m* m*Lz2 E = VM Ayres, ECE , F13

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