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Working with Tribal Government & the Community

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1 Working with Tribal Government & the Community
Laura J. Weber President The Lydia Company Serving out clients to build a better tomorrow

2 Presentation Summary Three Cords Securing Tribal Gov’t Cooperation
Community Ownership Coconut Crab (Birgus latro) is the largest terrestrial arthropod in the world. It is known for its ability to crack coconuts with its strong pincers in order to eat the contents. It is somet...imes called the robber crab because some coconut crabs are rumored to steal shiny items such as pots and silverware from houses and tents. The Lydia Company Laura J. Weber

3 Three Cords One Cord – You Second Cord – Tribal Government
Third Cord – Community Why do you need all three? The Lydia Company Laura J. Weber

4 Securing Tribal Government Cooperation
Educate, educate, educate Let them know what the current state of the environment is due to the lack of not having a transfer station – think out of the box to get their attention Be honest about what a transfer station will do for the community and don’t mislead them Give them a voice and let them know you value their input and appreciate their support Keep them updated as you move forward The Lydia Company Laura J. Weber

5 Creating Community Ownership
Benefit is increased responsiveness to the community needs and the community valuing the project more highly. Give the community a voice throughout the project, let them know you want to hear from them and value their opinions Keep them informed of your progress as you move from design, construction, and invite them to the grand opening. The Lydia Company Laura J. Weber

6 Questions? Laura J. Weber President The Lydia Company 315-212-0439
Connect With Me: Questions? The Lydia Company Laura J. Weber

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