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The Genocide in Darfur 2003-Present.

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Presentation on theme: "The Genocide in Darfur 2003-Present."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Genocide in Darfur 2003-Present

2 What is Genocide? The government-sponsored, systematic killing of an ethnic group or people

3 Zaghawa, Fur, and Maslit The three main tribes in Darfur; the victims of the genocide

4 GOS: Government of Sudan; the perpetrators

5 Janjaweed Arab militia used by the gov’t to kill Darfurians; means devil on horseback

6 Antonov Bombers Russian military aircraft used to drop bombs on Darfurians

7 Omar Al-Bashir Sudanese President; charged with war crimes; responsible for genocide

8 Displaced Persons Camp
Places for the victims of the genocide to live; dependent on international aide

9 Sudan Liberation Army One of the main rebel groups in Darfur, fighting the government

10 Justice and Equality Movement
One of the main rebel groups in Darfur, fighting the government

11 Justice and Equality Movement
One of the main rebel groups in Darfur, fighting the government

12 African Union A peace-keeping force of Africa; not allowed to interfere in Darfur

13 United Nations Security Council
Made up of major countries; charged with keeping peace in the world

14 Brian Steidle Former marine; only American to witness genocide in Darfur

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