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Lightning by: Jessica gonzalez.

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Presentation on theme: "Lightning by: Jessica gonzalez."— Presentation transcript:

1 lightning by: Jessica gonzalez

2 What is lightning? Lightning is an electric discharge that occurs during a thunderstorm Usually created by the attraction of opposite charges Negative charges at the bottom of a cloud causes lightning to strike the ground Once the negative charges are grouped together they start to look for the positive charges from the ground, since opposite charges attract lightning is what is produced

3 How is it an example of static electricity?
Static electricity is an imbalance of positive and negative charges in an object Lightning is an example because in a storm when lightning is about to be produced the cloud has an imbalance of negative and positive charges So, it becomes a negatively charged object which attracts the positive particles in the ground Since two opposite charged objects attract, lightning is then formed when the electrons move up and down the air molecules

4 Outdoor precautions Avoid putting yourself above surrounding landscape
Stay away from water Stay away from objects that conduct electricity Avoid being in the highest point in an area Your safe inside a car Keep alert for flash foods

5 Indoor precautions Don’t go outside unless necessary
Keep as many walls between you and outside Use battery operated devices only Don’t take a shower, or do laundry or the dishes

6 Safety tips Know your emergency telephone numbers
Suspend activities for 30 minutes after lightning storm Stay away from doors and windows Avoid proximity Avoid water, high grounds, and open spaces

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