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Election Systems GOVT 2306, Module 11.

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1 Election Systems GOVT 2306, Module 11

2 At-large systems Most Texas cities elect mayor and council at large. Cities often use a place system requiring candidates to run for particular seats. What does at-large mean? The entire city votes for the officials.

3 Does Houston elect its council at-large or by district?
The next most popular municipal election system is by district. District Systems Does Houston elect its council at-large or by district? Both

4 The average Houstonian votes in how many council races?
Combination Some cities have a combination of at large and district seats. The Houston city council, for example, has 16 members—11 members chosen from districts and 5 elected at large. The average Houstonian votes in how many council races? 6

5 Voting Rights Act Suit Houston used to have a city council of eight members, all elected at large. Minority rights groups filed suit, charging that the at-large arrangement discriminated against minority voters. What was their logic? Mayor Louie Welch,

6 At Large Systems If voting is racially polarized (that is, white voters cast their ballots only for other whites), at-large election systems prevent minority candidates from winning office. Under Houston’s at-large election system, no women, no Asians, no Latinos, and only one African American won seats on city council.

7 Voting Rights Former Mayor Lee P. Brown
Houston settled the lawsuit before it went to trial, adopting an election system that included both at-large and district seats. The new system has produced a more diverse city council. Former Mayor Lee P. Brown

8 Houston City Council City council today includes four African Americans, two women, two Latinos, one Asian, and two openly gay members.

9 Council Districts What’s that? What’s this?

10 Non-Partisan Elections
Most city elections in Texas are non-partisan—candidates run without party labels. That doesn’t mean, however, that parties aren’t involved behind the scenes. Houston city elections are held in November of odd numbered years. Is this an election year in Houston? No!

11 Former Mayor Bill White
Term Limits The mayor, controller, and city council are all now limited to a maximum of two four-year terms, thanks to a 2015 charter change. Former Mayor Bill White

12 Before the 2015 charter change, the mayor and council were limited to three two-year terms.
Former mayor Annise Parker

13 Term limits = 6 years Every mayor and most council members since the adoption of term limits served six years, including Mayors Bob Lanier, Lee Brown, Bill White, and Annise Parker. Why do you think this is true? Former Mayor Bob Lanier

14 Quiz The answer is B. Which of the following officials is NOT elected?
Mayor City manager City council member All of the above are elected. The answer is B.

15 What You Have Learned What election systems do cities employ to elect their officials? Why did Houston face a Voting Rights Act lawsuit challenging its at-large election system? How does Houston currently elect its council members? What are the term limits for Houston officials and how do they affect city elections?

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