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City of Valdosta Utilities Department
Fast Facts Utility Staff 83
Water Treatment Facility Capacity Million Gallons per day Drinking Water Treated Billion Gallons per year Three Elevated Storage Tanks and Capacity 3.5 Million Gallons Ground Level Storage Tanks and Capacity 4.5 Million Gallons Miles of Water Lines # of Water Valves # of Fire Hydrants 2 Wastewater Treatment Facilities Million Gallons per Day peak capacity Wastewater Treated Billion Gallons per Year Miles of Sewer Lines # of Manholes # of Lift Stations 35 Water Customers Billed 21,460 Customers/Month Sewer Customers Billed 19,998 Customers/Month Water Revenues $ 6,190,911.00 Sewer Revenues $ 9,129,970.00 44,404 of the estimated 45,114 utility features within the city limits have been located and logged with GPS
Compliance Monitoring
Organizational Chart Director of Utilities Central Lines Distribution Collection Central Maintenance Compliance Monitoring Laboratory Water Treatment Plant Mud Creek WWTP Withlacoochee Warehouse Assistant Admin Staff
Administration Provides oversight, direction and planning of the short and long term activities of the Utility Department including but not limited to: Budgetary and Accountability Responsibilities Capital Improvement Planning Replacement and Rehabilitation Planning for all Infrastructure Career Track Planning and Implementation Modernization and Automation of facilities Updates and Introduction of pertinent Utility Ordinances ( Construction Standards and Specifications ( Compliance with all federal, state, and local environmental requirements pertinent to water and sewer. GIS Division – Responsible for maintaining and gathering information for the GIS mapping system. ( Maps
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Central Lines Water Distribution/Sewer Collection – Provides for the safe, continuous operation and maintenance of all underground infrastructure to ensure both water and sewer service is uninterrupted to our customers. There are approximately: 384 miles of sewer lines and mains. 425 miles of water lines and mains.
Smoke Testing Sanitary Sewer System
Hired Constantine Engineering Estimated $700,000 to test 300 miles of sewer lines Timeframe: January 2014 – December 2018 4 year process Year 1: 60 miles (FY 14 Completed) Year 2: 60 miles (FY 15 Completed) Year 3: 60 miles (FY 16 Completed) Year 4: 120 miles (FY17 Completed) During this project, the following were found: 1,351 defects found Over 14,376 ft of sewer pipe has been rehabilitated using CIPP 134 manholes with defects, which 104 have been repaired City staff performed additional smoke testing finding another 91 defects which have been repaired
CIPP Before After
CIPP Before After
Manhole Rehab Before After
Central Maintenance Central Maintenance performs essential preventative and corrective maintenance ( >7,500 work orders year to date) on all facilities including: Sewer Lift Stations. Both Wastewater Treatment Plants. Water Treatment Plant and associated remote facilities. Their work includes maintenance of all electrical, mechanical and electronic systems, as well as telemetry equipment.
Compliance Monitoring
The Environmental Manager is responsible for the following to ensure full compliance with all state and federal regulatory requirements for multiple programs. Backflow Prevention Program FOG (fats, oils and greases) Program Wastewater Laboratory Analyses Storm water and Watershed Sampling Industrial Pretreatment Program As well as other necessary sampling and analyses performed as required.
Top left is Steve Patelski at the Water Treatment Plant.
Top right is Jamie Dotson and on bottom left is Laboratory Supervisor, Greg Gandy, of the Central Wastewater Lab at the Mud Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Water Treatment The Valdosta Water Treatment Plant provides the safe potable water needs and fire protection necessities for the entire city. Capable of producing up to 22.5 million gallons of water per day with an average daily flow of 11.0 million gallons per day.
WastewaterTreatment Systems Overview
Mud Creek WPCP Renovation and expansion completed in 2012 – $41 million GEFA Loan Capacity of 5.7 MGD as an average annual daily flow Capability to treat peak flows up to 17.0 MGD
Withlacoochee WPCP Capacity of 12 MGD as an average annual daily flow
Capability to treat peak flows up to 18 MGD Capability to treat peak hourly flow with EQ basin up to 38 MGD Contract Awarded to Parsons on June 19, 2014 Completed June 2016 Project Cost: $23 million – SPLOST VII Funding
New Force Main Project / New Withlacoochee Wastewater Treatment Plant
Total project cost is $59+ million Force Main Project: Contract Awarded to Garney Construction on April 24, 2014 2 master and 2 minor pump stations Over 6 miles of force main New headworks structure 6 million gallon (MG) flow equalization (EQ) basin Project Cost: $37.7 million – Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) Loan Completion date: July 2016
Gornto Road Pump Station
Remer Lane Pump Station
Force Main
Warehouse Responsible for maintaining an onsite inventory of all materials used throughout the Utilities and Public Works Departments including but not limited to: Water and Sewer piping. Valves, Fire Hydrants. Couplings, Repair clamps, Tools. Water Meters, Manholes and Covers. Cleaning materials, Office material, Equipment and Vehicle Spare parts, etc.
Additional Information
$4 - 5 million expended each year on regular repairs, maintenance, etc. throughout the system From 1992 – 2013, the City has received $179 million in SPLOST funds and utilized on capital improvement projects. During the same timeframe, the City has expended $167 million for water/sewer projects from SPLOST proceeds, system revenues, bonds, and GEFA loans. SPLOST VII is expected to generate about $150 million, of which Valdosta will receive $80 million. Nearly 70 percent of the funding will be dedicated to wastewater projects, which is $55.4 million. The City will have spent over $250 million on water / sewer projects from
Solar Panels Old Withlacoochee WWTP
Solar Panels New Withlacoochee WWTP
Solar Panels at Mudcreek WWTP
Solar Savings
Utility Conflicts
Information To get accurate and current information on the sewer improvements and activities visit: Departments – select Utilities or Top Stories / More Stories OR you can go to and go to “Valdosta Sanitary Sewer System Improvements” Also, sign up for City eNEWS: Press Releases City Council Meetings City Beat Newsletter See Click Fix By doing this, it will help eliminate confusion. Example: Broken sewer line on Blanchard St Media coverage stated the spill was at the Withlacoochee Plant and showed a picture of plant; however, it was not related to the plant and in a different sewershed.
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