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“Grace and Gratitude”.

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Presentation on theme: "“Grace and Gratitude”."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Grace and Gratitude”

2 Grace then GRATITUDE Psalm 100
“Grace and Gratitude” Grace then GRATITUDE Psalm 100

3 A. Grace then Gratitude then SACRIFICE
“Grace and Gratitude” A. Grace then Gratitude then SACRIFICE Rom. 12:1-2 Col. 3:15-17

4 B. Grace then Gratitude then SERVICE
“Grace and Gratitude” B. Grace then Gratitude then SERVICE Eph. 2:1-10; Titus 3:3-8 Gal. 5:1-6

5 C. Grace then Gratitude then JOY
“Grace and Gratitude” C. Grace then Gratitude then JOY 1 Thess. 5:16-18 Psalm 100; Phil. 4:4-7

6 “Grace and Gratitude” Grace then Gratitude then ASSURANCE 2 Cor. 12: John 5:13; 1:5-2:2

7 Assurance of SALVATION
“Grace and Gratitude” Grace then Gratitude then ASSURANCE Assurance of SALVATION

8 Assurance of SALVATION
“Grace and Gratitude” Grace then Gratitude then ASSURANCE Assurance of SALVATION Assurance in LIFE

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