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New Media Presentation By Rebecca Foster

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1 New Media Presentation By Rebecca Foster

2 Film Festivals I’ve looked at various film festivals for both offline and online, these are the three I’m more focused on entering.

3 Grimm Up North Horror and Fantasy Film Festival which specialists in Horror/Fantasy films. There is currently no details on how to enter for 2016 however last years it was £5 entry for short films. – This is one which i will keep an eye for the coming year. #TOFF and #VOFF are both Free Online Film festival open to anyone of any style, which I would consider entering not just my FMP but a couple of other projects also. Abertoir Horror Festival, again specialists in horror films. However like with Grimm there is no information for 2016 however it was free to enter your films in A bit further out then Grimm Up North but could still be a contender to enter.

4 Media Showcase For the Media Showcase I’ve look at three different aspects of promotion.

5 This was a site I found that was crossed between a festival and a promotional site. There aim to The encourage innovation and good practice in the use of media in education. The awards also recognise and promote excellence in the production and pedagogical design of media-rich learning resources. I added this to my list because it could be a great way to start self promotion through your work. You have to create an account to participate and there is an and Snail Mail address to contact them on as well as a couple of phone numbers. Fifty Squid is a site dedicated to creating animation promotional videos at a low cost, they have blogs with previous work on as well as links to companys who have used them in the past. They use there own video explaining how it works which is good product selling. You can contacts them through , contact form or various social media sites they link you to, including YouTube. I would say LinkedIn is the biggest networking and self promoting site. You can connect with people in you chosen industry, join related groups, find employment oppertunitys, and read stories relating to your skills. An over all what it says on the tin site. The down side I have come across is that to contact people you have to be a premium member.

6 Self Promotion and Media Platforms
The following sites are great for promotions ones self as well as platform you can share you content on.

7 Use Facebook with the mind-set that I can wholly be myself
If you are a regular user of Facebook it shows you as a person, at your drunkest, angriest and most unprofessional. Pictures, posts, comments, what you share and like are all displayed here, you are inviting everyone to see you. You have three choices to create the page you want future employers to see. Set my privacy settings so no one can access it: Use Facebook with the mind-set that I can wholly be myself Create a separate account which is viewable by the public which you have filtered for potential employment. Facebook content can be shared to other users who then share it and so on, spreading you or your content across many profiles. Twitter, is a site which you post what you think, can be taken very literal in the limited characters, and straight to the point. However, like Facebook if you hit the right mark content can be shared across multiple platforms, around the world at a fast pace. Promoting you and your content. However as various celebrity's have found out it can cause a bad reputation and you can be a victim of bullying for relaying your thoughts on here. A good tool if used correctly. Linkedin is site which is a more professional media platform, you state your work history, your personality and you can connect with other professionals. You are the professional you on their, the one that wouldn’t appear on Facebook drunk or on Twitter angry. Its complicated to get started but I think in the future it will be a very efficient tool in my career.

8 vs Looking at these platforms Vimeo is the more professional one, however you are limited to what you can put on there in terms of size, if you go over your monthly allowance (Which just one of the videos I wanted to upload did) then it would cost me to expand it. Using YouTube you can seaily loose your film amoung thousands of others on their, even if they are not as great quality as the your. Its not as professional as Vimeo, however YouTube doesn’t as of yet, have a monthly limit, you can upload as many a you want and if you are luckly you can start making money from you videos with enough views and subscribers. For my professional show reel and showcases I would preference Vimeo however until a later date that I need to use a more professional platform I will be using YouTube, sharing the links among my social media accounts will hopefully mean they won’t get lost in the depths of YouTube.

9 Website Builders There is a lot of website building tools out there, all different depending on your experience and what you want from a site. I decided to look at three different ones to try and see which would be more suited to me:

10 Weebly was another site I found, I actually found it fairly easy to use. It helped build depending on your focus, in my case a Site. However I found there was not a lot of templates to choose from, which for me was a huge let down compared to Wix. However the site Builder was simple to use, if only minority confusing. However I came across Weebly by the time I was half way though building my site on Wix and by this point I had adjusted to the Wix building methods. Wix was the recommended site to use, I found it to be the better site, it was more complicated to build with but once you got the used to it I found it rather easy to use. There is a lot of templates to choose from as well as the option to start from blank. The Build tools are easily located at either side and at the top of the site. Looking at other sites used by Wix there create a professional looking site and you have the option to removed adverts and/or get a domain name for various monthly subscriptions. I next checked Webs out, the initial sign up looked fairly easy, like Wix the site looked attractive and inviting to use. Upon signing up there is a nice selection of templates to use, however I found the majority of these you had to a subscriber and were left with the not so great ones. I did not even get pass the page where you choose your package as it kept redirecting me back to that same page. At that point I gave up and went back to Wix which was the better site.

Blogs My blogs are for various things that I think are relevant to any of my work, although not all are published yet its been a useful tool to refer back to.

12 Website
My website will include information about myself, a C.V., Show Reel, Films I’ve worked on and the all important Contact Details. However my website as of yet isn’t finished therefore not published, but it is coming soon.

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