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VLBA Correlator Interfaces for VSOP-2

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1 VLBA Correlator Interfaces for VSOP-2
Mark 5 / VLBA Correlator Topics 2006/2/23 VLBA Correlator Interfaces for VSOP-2 Jon Romney NRAO, Socorro VSOP-2 Tracking Meeting Madrid / Yebes 2007/2/19-20 2007/2/19-20 J. D. Romney

2 Essential Initial Digressions
The NSF Senior Review Panel convened by NSF Division of Astronomical Sciences. Report released 2006/11/3. Primary goal: “redistributing roughly $30M of annual spending” from existing facilities, to invest in new facilities. Primary recommendation on VLBA: “to seek assistance in operating the VLBA for a finite time from the international user community and, perhaps, also from NASA and the Japanese [ISAS] where there is a strong synergy with its missions.” 2007/2/ – jdr VSOP-2 Tracking Meeting Madrid/Yebes

3 VSOP-2 Tracking Meeting Madrid/Yebes
The NSF Senior Review NRAO Responses to SR Report Concentrate on delivering high-profile science, in areas consistent with NSF Astronomy’s mission. Seek non-NSF support for ~33% of $6M annual operational cost, at rate corresponding to ~$2k/hour. Relevant options for VSOP-2: NASA and/or ISAS. May require reducing scheduled observing time. Upgrade VLBA’s sensitivity to expand range of science it can address. 2007/2/ – jdr VSOP-2 Tracking Meeting Madrid/Yebes

4 The VLBA Sensitivity Upgrade
22-GHz Receivers Replacement of LNAs. 4-Gbps Data Path Replacement of all equipment downstream from IFs. New wideband Sampler/Filter module. Compatible with VSOP-2 channelization. New wideband Recording system. Disk-based; compatible with existing Mark 5 module pool. New Correlator. WIDAR- or software-based. Planned upgrades to existing playback interface abandoned. 2007/2/ – jdr VSOP-2 Tracking Meeting Madrid/Yebes

5 VLBA Correlator Interfaces
Discussed Here in Context of New Correlator Existing correlator incompatible with VSOP-2 channelization; limited to 256 Mbps (for > 10 stations) without PBI upgrade. Observation Data (Input) 1- (2-,4-) Gbps data rate OK; subject to media pool constraints. Recorded on Mark-5-standard disk modules. Format TBD: Mark 5A, 5B, or (hopefully) more advanced wideband system. Prompt delivery requirements same (probably even more stringent) as for VSOP -- i.e., “Bologna Rules”. 2007/2/ – jdr VSOP-2 Tracking Meeting Madrid/Yebes

6 VLBA Correlator Interfaces (Continued)
Orbit Data Generally, same requirements as for VSOP. Accuracy specifications TBD, possibly depending on correlator. Format preferably same as JPL orbit kernels used for VSOP; could be changed for a different OD organization. Logs New correlator an opportunity to move to new log format. Hope to develop new global standard. Prompt delivery requirements same as for VSOP. 2007/2/ – jdr VSOP-2 Tracking Meeting Madrid/Yebes

7 VLBA Correlator Interfaces (Continued)
Time Correction Files Presumably also required for VSOP-2. No known reason to change VSOP format. GPS Offset Files Recommend merging into new Log format. Visibility Output Data TBD, as appropriate for post-correlation analysis system(s). 2007/2/ – jdr VSOP-2 Tracking Meeting Madrid/Yebes

8 VSOP-2 Tracking Meeting Madrid/Yebes
Thank you 2007/2/ – jdr VSOP-2 Tracking Meeting Madrid/Yebes

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