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Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box.

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Presentation on theme: "Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box.
HAND IN YOUR HEAT CONDUCTION LAB SHEET! Answer in the back, in sentences: Write down 5 things you can’t live without, that rely on electricity in order to work.

2 How is Electricity Generated?

3 Electricity is the flow of electrons in a wire (such as copper).
Brainpops Electricity Electric Currents Electromagnetic Induction

4 A quick overview of electricity…
Watch this video clip of how energy can be generated (created) and made available to consumers (us!).

5 In order to understand how electricity is made you first need to know how a turbine generator works.

6 Diagram of a Turbine Follow along as we draw a turbine and label its parts…

7 How Electricity is Generated By A Turbine
1. Something has to turn the blades (could be water, wind, steam, or something else). 2. The blades turn the shaft.

8 The shaft spins magnets on it that are wrapped in copper wire.

9 The ELECTROMAGNETIC EFFECT occurs: Electrons in the copper wire begin to move, creating an electric current (or electricity). IT’S LIKE MAGIC!!!

10 5. The electricity goes to a transformer.
6. Power lines deliver electricity to our homes.

11 Getting the blades to spin…
In the U.S., most turbines are turned by STEAM. To create steam, water must be heated by Burning “fossil fuels” like coal, oil or natural gas to heat the water Using nuclear energy

12 The fuel is burned to boil water to make steam
The steam makes a turbine spin The spinning turbine turns a generator which produces electricity The electricity goes to the transformers to produce the correct voltage

13 Sometimes different things can be used to spin the blades of a turbine generator.

14 Water can turn a turbine
In hydropower, water drops a distance and turns the blades of the turbine.

15 WATER (Hydro)

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