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Please check purple folders and initial planners each night.

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1 Please check purple folders and initial planners each night.
Johnson and Jump Journal Week of August 20-24 a Please check purple folders and initial planners each night. Math Students continue Unit 1 learning about comparing numbers, ordering numbers and greater numbers. On Wednesday, students will review for their Unit 1 test Thursday they have a test on Unit 1. The students will have a facts quiz on Friday on addition facts. This test will go in the gradebook. Reading Log Homework -Students read AR books for 20 minutes Monday-Thursdays and record information in log. I check it on Fridays. Reading Unit 1 week 2: EQ: What can traditions teach you about cultures? Genre: realistic fiction, Comprehension :visualize, sequence, Vocabulary: context clues, Grammar: commands and exclamations, Writing: word choice Vocabulary Words: celebrate, courage, disappointment, precious, pride, remind, symbols, tradition Spelling words: step, mess, head, crops, stop, rock, clock, sock, pond, jumps, shut, luck, slump, bugs, mug Dates to Remember Curriculum Night-August 21 from 5:00-6:00 PM August 31st – Half Day of School September 3rd – No School – Labor Day Science/Social Studies Science –Laws of Motion Social Studies-maps and globes

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