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Do Now Sit in your assigned seat. Locate a pencil.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Sit in your assigned seat. Locate a pencil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Sit in your assigned seat. Locate a pencil.
Wait for instructions.

2 Quiz #1 Put ALL electronic devices away in your pocket or backpack.
Use of an electronic device during any quiz equals cheating. Cheating equals a 0. WRITE AND BUBBLE IN YOUR ID NUMBER CORRECTLY!!!!!!! Do not write on the quiz! When you are finished, place the quiz and your answer document in the black inboxes and pick up an SRI sheet.

3 Scholastic Reading Inventory
Today you will be taking the Scholastic Reading Inventory after your quiz. Please log into your computers/electronic devices and follow the directions on the slip of paper that you will pick up on the table after you turn in the quiz and your answer document. When you have completed the Reading Inventory, write your name, class period, date, and LEXILE LEVEL on the slip of paper and bring it to me. You will receive a quiz grade for completing this assignment.

4 Use the remainder of the class period to:
Work on your current list that is due on Monday, September 12th. Come to me or consult with a friend on getting signed up for or if you were unable to last week. Read silently. This will become a daily expectation, so get a feel for it now. You may choose a book from the shelf, but please return it. Write down the name of the book you chose. Begin to take notes on your chosen book. Everyone should be occupied. An idle mind is Negativity’s workshop!

5 Launch Think about how the following quote applies to your life: ~Les Brown

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