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Verb tenses quiz.

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1 Verb tenses quiz

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

3 Review: What are the Modal (helping) verbs?
Should Review: What are the Modal (helping) verbs? Will Would Might May Must Could Can Shall

4 We can use many of these to describe “Unreal Past Situations”
Examples You should have been here an hour ago. (but you were not) I was so angry I could have killed her. (but I did not) If I had known you were coming, I would have stayed (But I did not) He could’ve broken his leg doing that! (but he didn’t)

5 This is how to do it Modal verb (only could, would, should, may, might) + Present Perfect Verb Tense (Have +Verbed)

6 I saw a man, but it ________ (be, Not) John because he was at work.
Practice Could not have been I saw a man, but it ________ (be, Not) John because he was at work. She received a letter. It ______ (be) from her mother because her mother writes to her a lot. You _________ (listen) to my advice. Then you ___________ (fail, NOT). It __________ (rain) last night because I thought I heard it, but I’m not sure. Must have been Should have listened Would not have failed May/might have rained

7 You _________ (got) an A if your grammar was better.
Practice Would have gotten You _________ (got) an A if your grammar was better. You _________ (check) the grammar before you turned it in. She ________ (hear, Not) me because other people were being loud at the same time. You _________ (choose) to go hiking, but you didn’t. Karen ________ (apologize). If she had, I __________ (forgive)her. Should have checked Might not have heard Could have chosen Could have apologized Would have forgiven

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