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More IA32 (AKA Pentium) Instructions

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Presentation on theme: "More IA32 (AKA Pentium) Instructions"— Presentation transcript:

1 More IA32 (AKA Pentium) Instructions
inc, dec, nop, mul, imul, div, idiv, neg, & not

2 inc dst = dst + 1 Flags affected: O, S, Z (C not affected).

3 dec dst = dst – 1 Flags affected: O, S, Z (C not affected).

4 nop (Actually xchg eax, eax.) Flags affected: none.

5 mul (unsigned) edx:eax = eax * src (32-bit version) Flags affected:
O and C are 0 if edx is zero; O and C are 1 if edx is not zero S and Z are undefined

6 imul (signed) Note: One, two, and three operand forms!
Flags affected: Varies w/ number of operands! Note: Some accumulator-style instructions. Note: Some yield 32- or 64-bit results for 32-bit values.

7 imul (signed) X X

8 div (unsigned) eax = edx:eax / r/m32 (32-bit version)
quotient range: 0 to edx = edx:eax % r/m32 Flags affected: all are undefined.

9 idiv (signed) eax = edx:eax / r/m32 (32-bit version)
edx = edx:eax % r/m32 quotient range: -231 to Flags affected: all are undefined.

10 neg

11 not

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