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Contact between Subspecies Clinal Variation

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Presentation on theme: "Contact between Subspecies Clinal Variation"— Presentation transcript:

1 9.22 Highly diagrammatic representations of some common patterns of geographic variation
Contact between Subspecies Clinal Variation C:\Figures\Chapter09\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg Mosaic Concordant Clines

2 9.23 Two subspecies of a common North American woodpecker, the northern flicker
C:\Figures\Chapter09\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

3 9.24 Five subspecies of the rat snake Elaphe obsoleta
C:\Figures\Chapter09\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

4 9.25 Clines in the frequency of the AdhF allele at alcohol dehydrogenase locus of D. melanogaster
C:\Figures\Chapter09\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg Frequency of ADH(f) decreases with latitude

5 9.26 A common-garden study of ecotypic variation in the sticky cinquefoil
C:\Figures\Chapter09\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

6 9.27(1) Character displacement in bill size in seed-eating ground finches of the Galápagos Islands
C:\Figures\Chapter09\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

7 9.28 Gene flow causes populations to converge in allele frequencies
C:\Figures\Chapter09\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

8 9.29 Gene flow in maize (corn), a wind-pollinated plant
C:\Figures\Chapter09\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

9 9.30(1) Genetic differentiation among populations of the North American pitcher-plant mosquito
Fst= Vq / (q)(1-q) C:\Figures\Chapter09\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

10 9.31 Geographic variation in mitochondrial DNA in MacGillivray’s warbler
Haplotype Network C:\Figures\Chapter09\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

11 9.32(1) A division of the world’s human populations into eight classes of genetic similarity
C:\Figures\Chapter09\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

12 9.32(2) The geographic distribution of skin color
C:\Figures\Chapter09\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

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