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Brigham and Women’s Hospital
High-sensitivity Cardiac Troponin at Any Detectable Concentration Identifies Higher Risk of Major Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Stable Ischemic Heart Disease Nicholas Marston, MD TIMI Study Group Brigham and Women’s Hospital Nicholas A. Marston, Marc P. Bonaca, Petr Jarolim, Deepak L. Bhatt, Philippe Gabriel Steg, Marc Cohen, Robert F. Storey, Per Johanson, Erica Goodrich, Steve D. Wiviott, Eugene Braunwald, Marc S. Sabatine, David A. Morrow
Disclosures Presenter Disclosure: None
PEGASUS-TIMI 54 supported by a grant to BWH from AstraZeneca Biomarker testing received reagent support from Abbott Laboratories
hsTn is an emerging tool to better risk-stratify these patients
Background Stable patients with a history of MI (SIHD) have a heterogeneous risk of recurrent major CV events hsTn is an emerging tool to better risk-stratify these patients PROVE IT-TIMI 22 Subset of 4,162 patients 30 days out from ACS hsTnI CV Death/MI/Stroke TRA 2P - TIMI 50 15,833 patients Prior MI, stroke, or PAD Stable patients with a history of MI (SIHD) have a heterogeneous risk of recurrent major CV events …and high-sensitivity troponin is an emerging application to help risk stratify these patients. -Our group has previously shown that in a subset of over 4,000 patients 30 days out from MI, an elevated hsTn was associated with increasing risk of CV events -Similarly, in nearly 16,000 pts with either prior MI, stroke, or PAD, there was a gradient of increased CV risk with higher hsTn Objective: To further explore this relationship in the stable ischemic heart disease population Bonaca MP, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;68: Eisen A, et al. Clin Chem 2017;63:
Methods Nested prospective cohort study (n= 8,635) from PEGASUS- TIMI 54 Randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled trial of ticagrelor vs. placebo ≥55 years old SIHD with a MI 1-3 years prior to enrollment ≥1 high-risk feature: ≥65 yo, DM, ≥2 MIs, multivessel CAD, CKD Median F/U 33 months Primary endpoint (PEP): CV death, MI, or stroke All elements of PEP centrally adjudicated We aimed to study this relationship further in a dedicated SIHD population -To do this, we performed a Nested prospective cohort study (n= 8,635) from PEGASUS-TIMI 54 -This was a Randomized, double- blinded, placebo controlled trial of ticagrelor vs. placebo -Patients were ≥ 55 years old, SIHD with a MI 1-3 years prior to enrollment + ≥1 high risk feature: ≥65 yo, DM, ≥2 MIs, multivessel disease, or CKD -Median F/U 33 months -Primary endpoint was a composite of CV death, MI, or stroke -All elements of PEP centrally adjudicated
Methods (2) Serum hsTnI (Abbott ARCHITECT) drawn at enrollment
Limit-of-detection 2 ng/L MI cut-point 26 ng/L (99th percentile) hsTnI was analyzed as categorical variable using a priori categories within the normal reference range, defined as: Undetectable (<2 ng/L) Low (2-6 ng/L) High (>6 ng/L) All patients had baseline serum hsTnI drawn at enrollment using Abbott ARCHITECT assay -Limit-of-detection 2 ng/L, MI cut-point 26 ng/L -hsTnI was analyzed as categorical variable using a priori categories that were within the normal range, Including: Undetectable (<2 ng/L), Low (2-6 ng/L), High (>6 ng/L) -The cut-point of 2 is based on the limit of detection and the cut-point of 6 is based on numerous prior studies demonstrating a range of 5-7 as a risk threshold. Population studies with risk thresholds between 5-7 ng/L WOSCOPS (Ford, et al. JACC. 2016) BiomarCare (Blankenberg, et al. EHJ. 2016) JUPITER (Everett, et al. Circ.2015) HUNT (Omland, et al Clin Chem. 2015) CAPS (Patterson, et al. IJC. 2015) FINNRISK (Neumann, et al. PLOS One. 2014) ADVANCE (Iribarren, et al. Heart. 2016) AGES-Rej (Thorstein, et al. Clin Chem. 2016)
hsTn Distribution 2 6 Median hsTnI (ng/L) Overall 4.2 [2.7,7.2]
Total N 8,635 Undetectable 920 (10.7%) Detectable 7,715 (89.3%) 2-6 ng/L 5,028 (58.2%) >6 ng/L 2,687 (31.1%) <2 ng/L Median hsTnI (ng/L) Overall 4.2 [2.7,7.2] Female 3.6 [2.3,6.5] Male 4.3 [2.8,7.3] Here is the distribution of hsTn among the study cohort and divided by male (in blue) and female (in red) -The median in the total cohort was 4.2 ng/L but females had significantly lower hsTn, with median of 3.6. Using our cut-points of 2 and 6, we divide the cohort into: 920 (10.7%) in the undetectable group 5,028 (58.2%) in the 2-6 group and 2,687 (31.1%) in the >6 group Sex
Baseline Characteristics
by hsTnI Level <2 (N=920) % 2-6 (N=5028) >6 (N=2687) Demographics Age (yrs) (median, IQR) 61 (55,66) 65 (58,70) 67 (60,73) Male 64 77 79 History Hypertension 70 78 82 Diabetes Mellitus 29 28 34 History of CABG 1 5 9 History of 2nd prior MI 14 21 Peripheral Artery Disease 3 6 Congestive Heart Failure 7 12 25 eGFR <60 20 33 -There were significant differences in a number of the baseline characteristics across the 3 troponin subgroups -Patients with higher troponin tended to be: older, more likely male, more CV risk factors, more advanced CAD, CHF, and CKD -We included these covariates in our adjusted analysis *All p-values <0.001
Results: Unadjusted Analysis
13.5%* 6.0%^ 2.8% 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% <2 (n=920) >6 (n=2,687) 2-6 (n=5,028) Days CV Death, MI, Stroke (%) CV Death, MI, Stroke by hsTnI Level (ng/L) hsTnI Level * p< vs. undetectable ^p= vs. undetectable -Looking at the primary, unadjusted results by hsTn group, there are a 3 main findings the event rates diverged immediately and continue to do so over 3 years Those with hsTnI >6 had a 13.5% rate of CV Death, MI, Stroke at 3 years Those in the 2-6 range had a 6% CV event rate (both of which were significantly increased compared to 2.8% in undetectable group)
Results: Unadjusted Analysis
18.6%# 12.5%* 6.0%^ 2.8% 5% ≥26 (n=433, 5.0%) Days 20% 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 15% 10% 0% CV Death, MI, Stroke by hsTnI Level (ng/L) # p< vs. undetectable * p< vs. undetectable ^ p= vs. undetectable <2 (n=920) >6-<26 (n=2,254) 2-6 (n=5,028) hsTnI Level CV Death, MI, Stroke (%) -When we separate the patients whose troponin is >26, we can appreciate that the risk in the >6 group is stable and therefore not driven by the risk in patients with troponin >26. -In other words, the high risk seen in the 6-26 group are all in patients with “normal troponin”
Components of PEP P<0.0001* P<0.0001* P<0.0001^ P<0.0001^
-When looking at the components of the primary endpoints, we see striking consistency 1) Higher troponin was associated with a gradient of increased risk across CV death, coronary heart death, MI, and stroke 2) Importantly, in the 920 patients with undetectable troponin, there were no coronary heart deaths or CV deaths over 3 year follow up P<0.0001* P<0.0001* P<0.0001^ P<0.0001^ *>6 vs 2-6 ^P-Trend
PEP, Mortality, MI, and Stroke
Adjusted Hazard Ratios by hsTnI Level Adjusted for congestive heart failure, hypertension, age >=75, diabetes mellitus, history of stroke, history of CABG, PAD, eGFR <60, current smoker Hazard Ratio <0.0001 0.0007 P-Trend -In adjusted analysis, we see that the significant gradient of risk across troponin subgroups is maintained 1) such that trop >6 confers a: 4.3-fold risk in PEP, 3.9-fold increase in mortality, 3.6-fold increase in MI, and a nearly 5-fold increase in stroke 2) Likewise, those with troponin in the 2-6 range were also at a: ~2-fold increased risk for PEP, mortality and Myocardial infarction
hsTnI and TRS 2ᵒP Score *P-Trend <0.0001 n=1094 n=769 n=806
-Another way of assessing whether troponin adds to clinical risk factors is to add it to TRS 2P clinical risk score. -Here we have a 3x3 chart with TRS 2P on the X axis and hsTn on the z-axis. -We see 3 important things: No matter what the clinical risk, troponin provides a significant improvement in risk stratification If hsTn <2, the patient is low risk no matter what their clinical score, all with CV risk of <1%/year High clinical risk patients (who you may not think would benefit from biomarker testing) appear to get the greatest risk stratification from hsTn n=1660 n=481 n=135 n=292 *P-Trend <0.0001
Ticagrelor by hsTnI 0.84 P=0.001 0.91 0.94 0.91 Lastly, I will address the effect of Ticagrelor by hsTn -As this audience will recall, PEGASUS showed an overall significant reduction in major CV events w/ long-term ticagrelor, HR 0.84. -In this biomarker cohort, there was a consistent effect of ticagrelor but w/ predictably larger CIs in this smaller sample. -Similarly, there was no statistical heterogeneity in the relative effect of ticagrelor across troponin subgroups. -However, we noted a possible trend toward lack of benefit in those very low risk pts with undetectable troponin. 1.20 3.1
Conclusion hsTn is a strong independent predictor of recurrent major CV events in SIHD Gradient of risk is present at any detectable level As low as 2-6 ng/L hsTnI >6 ng/L present in nearly 1/3 of patients >10% 3-year risk of MACE Extrapolated 10-year risk of MACE = 45% In combination with TRS 2ºP, hsTnI provides complementary information In conclusion, hsTn is a strong independent predictor of recurrent major CV events in SIHD The gradient of risk is present at any detectable level Even as low as 2-6 ng/L A hsTnI >6 ng/L is present in nearly 1/3 of SIHD patients and confers a >10% 3-year risk of MACE Which extrapolated over 10 years becomes a 45% risk of MACE Finally, in combination with TRS 2ºP, hsTnI provides complementary information that we can use to better risk-stratify our patients with SIHD.
THANK YOU Thank you for your attention
99th Percentile by Sex Women Men
18.4% 12.0% 5.6% 3.3% 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 Days 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% <2 2-6 >6-<34 ≥34 Women Men CV Death, MI, Stroke (%) 21.5% 14.5% 7.1% 1.9% >6-<16 ≥16 Sex-specific 99th %ile URL: 34 ng/L in men and 16 ng/L in women -When we look at men and women separately, we see that hsTn provides good risk stratification in both, however it seems to be better in women (1.9->21.5 vs 3.3->18.4)
PEP, Mortality, MI, and Stroke
Adjusted Hazard Ratios by hsTnI Level Adjusted for congestive heart failure, hypertension, age >=75, diabetes mellitus, history of stroke, history of CABG, PAD, eGFR <60, current smoker -Another way of looking at the same data is to use 2-6 as the reference, after all this is the where the majority of SIHD patients fall. -hsTn <2 identifies patients with 50% lower risk of events while >6 identifies those who are 2-fold higher risk.
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