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Chapter 2 Research Process

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1 Chapter 2 Research Process
Chapter Objective: Overview of the research process Identify and explain different steps/activities in research

2 Steps in Research process
There are 4 broad stages in research: Formulating a research question Data collection Data Analysis Interpreting the Results and report writing

3 1. Formulating a research question
The process of formulation a Res Qn is a way of narrowing and focusing the area of study until it becomes truly researchable. In this stage the researchers will: Select a topic/area of research and identify a suitable question for the research, find out important concepts, and Develop hypothesis Research requires commitment. So, as a researcher, you want to make sure you are choosing an area/topic where you have a great interest. Once you select an area, you need to identify a problem for research (Res Question). A research question is a brief, clear and focused argument/issue on which research is carried out (i.e., what is to be studied) Your res question should be (criteria/qualities of good Res Qn): Relevant (important) Interesting, Focused and specific, Researchable (manageable). A researcher may ask the above several times to himself/herself before finalizing the RES QN.

4 Research question…. A Res Qn may not be identified immediately.
But, by doing background research or reviewing the existing literature on your topic, a Res Qn will start take its shape. You may read magazines, journals, newspapers, reference sources, and online database to get the basic information. Doing a background research or reviewing resources is important in developing a Res Qn. Because it helps you know what is done already and how it was done by other researchers and what is not done or what should be done. Some researchers use Res Objective instead of Res Question. Basically Res Qn and Res Objective are referring to one and the same idea but put in different format. They tell you “what is to be studied” in the proposed research in two different ways.

5 Res Question Vs Res Objective
Difference between Res Qn and Res Objective? The research questions are stated in a question form while objectives are stated in a statement form. Research Questions: What are the teachers factors influencing the students’ performance in private schools? What are the parental factors influencing the students’ performance in private Schools What extent do teacher/parental factors affect the students’ performance in private Schools? Research objectives: To find out the teacher factors influencing the students’ performance in private Schools. To find out the parental factors influencing the students’ performance in private Schools. To determine the extent to which teacher/parental factors affect the students’ performance in private Schools

6 Good Research questions:

7 Research question… Examples:
Are school exams results a measure of the student’s intelligence? What is the relationship between fitness and exercises? What is the effect of computer games on children’s behavior ? Does the consumption of fast food lead to obesity ? What are the major pollutants in the Western Region? The research question/s is a very important part of entire research process because all components of the research can be traced back to it. You plan the remaining activities in order to answer your research question. Therefore, good amount of thinking and reading is necessary to formulate a research question. Once Res Qn is made, researchers need to figure out important concepts in the research and define them clearly. Important concepts in the Res Qn are EXAM and INTELLIGENCE, these are what you are studying in this case.

8 Exercises-Review Questions
What are the 4 important stages/steps in research? What is meant by “formulation a Research question”? What is a “research question”?  What are the criteria/qualities of a good Res Question?  What is the best strategy of developing a research question?  What are the benefits of doing background research or reviewing literature?  What is the difference between a Res Qn and Res Objective?  Write examples of 3 research questions fulfilling the criteria of “good Res question” one each in following areas: Health Engineering Business (You may work in pairs and present the research questions)

9 Hypothesis Upon making Res Question the researcher will propose a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a research question (or it is a statement about possible result or expected result). Eg: Res Qn: What are the teachers factors influencing the students’ performance in private schools? Hypothesis: Motivation of teachers have positive effect on students’ performance Res Qn: Does the consumption of fast food lead to obesity in the UAE? Eating fast food is the major reason for obesity in the UAE Qualities of Good Hypothesis: It must be a statement that can be tested. (This is the most important requirement). It should be based on known facts and must have roots in the existing theories of knowledge. It should be quite simple, straightforward and brief. It should be relevant to the given problem. A good hypothesis is stated in a declarative form, NOT as a question

10 II. Data Collection Once a research Qn is finalized and hypothesis is developed, the researcher must collect information/data to answer your research question: Strategies include: Surveys Experiments Case Study Action research The Strategies you choose will be based on the nature of your research question (will be covered in detail later).

11 III. Data Analysis It is the process of organizing the data in meaningful manner to answer your research questions (or check your hypotheses). Data analysis helps understand the relationships, patterns, and trends among the variables and make conclusions. There are two kinds of Data analyses; Quantitative and Qualitative Quantitative data analysis: Refer to the way of organizing/examining data using mathematical approaches. The information is translated into, numbers, which can then be displayed and analyzed mathematically/statistically.  Eg. Numbers or % , Frequency (rate, duration) of specific behaviors or conditions, level of knowledge, or skills, level of satisfaction, stress, etc. Qualitative data analysis: Refer to the way of organizing/examining data using logic or arguments (non- numerical way). Eg. Researcher will look for patterns and themes based on reactions/words of people and interpret it .

12 Exercises-Review Questions
What is meant by a Research hypothesis? What are the criteria of a good hypothesis? Identify the important concepts in the 3 research questions you made before (in Qn: 8) and develop hypotheses for each one of them. What are the important tools/strategies that researchers use to collect data/information? What is meant by data analysis? What is the purpose of data analysis? What is meant by qualitative data analysis? What is meant by quantitative data analysis?

13 IV. Interpretation and Reporting
Interpretation is the process of describing the findings (results) of the research. Interpretation will be focused on the research question and hypotheses Reporting is the process of documenting the research. Researchers need to present the research findings to others (professional journals, books, at professional meetings) In report, the researcher will provide the audience/readers with a detailed picture about the research (such as what is researched, why was it done, how was done, what was found, the problems faced, the merits and the demerits, and suggestions for future research)

14 An overview of Research Report..
The following are the contents of a research report: Introduction It will include general description the topic the research, its importance, Literature Review (General discussion of previous works related the topic of research) Objectives and Hypothesis. Methodology Discuss how the results were achieved and provide explanations of how data was gathered, tools, sample, and how the data was analyzed. Results and Discussion Provide the interpretation, presentation and/or discussion of the results. Conclusion has the research question/problem been solved? to what extent have the objectives been achieved? what has been learned from the results? how can this knowledge be used? what are the shortcomings of the research or methodology used? suggestions for future research. Sources of Information: A completes list of sources used in research

15 Exercise-Review Questions
{{Write examples of 3 research questions fulfilling the criteria of “good Res question” one each in following areas: Health Engineering Management/Business You may work in pairs and present the research questions. Others need to evaluate the Res Qn based on the criteria of good Res Qn. Modify your research Qn based on others feedback and attach to your portfolio.}} Identify the important concepts in the 3 research questions you made before (Qn: 8) and Develop hypotheses for them. {{Form into groups of two or three Write down in a paper any topic that you are interested Write down in questions form what do you want to find out about the topic you chose. How will you find out the answer for the questions that you asked?}}}

16 Please make Research questions/objectives for any THREE of the below areas. Also make hypotheses for the three Research questions. Make sure that you follow the standards of good research question and hypothesis. Please attach it to your class exercise 1. Social networking channels 2. Hypermarkets 3. Plastic surgery 4. Work force in the UAE 5. Workplace ethics 6. Internet 7. Branding and marketing 8. Emiratization 9. Women employment 10. Discrimination

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