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Bell work What’s the meaning? nucleophillic substitution.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell work What’s the meaning? nucleophillic substitution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell work What’s the meaning? nucleophillic substitution

2 Elements of the sea Big Picture Manufacturing Ions in solution
Ionic Formulae Halogenoalkanes Big Picture Redox Bonding Atoms and Ions Halogens Dipoles Elements of the sea

3 Content Process Benefit
Learning Outcomes Content Process Benefit Chemical reaction of halogenoalkanes Reaction mechanism can be explained Use of curly arrows card sorting and drama Explain why things react – opposites attract

4 Why is this side –ive not the N?
New Information Nucleophile? Is attracted to +ive regions – so it must be negative – how can it “develop” negativity? -ive ions Lone e- HOT question Why is this side –ive not the N?

5 Nucleophilic substitution
New Information Nucleophilic substitution Where is the positive area from? – polar molecule with Hal-C – C is +ive. Br - Br - CH3 Br C CH3 C + CH3 OH C Na+ + - - OH 2-methylpropan-2-ol Na+

6 Activity ES6.1 Read through CI13.1 from page 291 – then attempt the correct mechanism using the card sort – draw it in your book Use the traffic lights if you’re stuck!

7 Opposite attract Demonstrate Imagine .....
You’re in a solution – some of you become ions (grab the posticks if you’re +ive) Now how will you react?

8 CI13.1 Review Start the questions
Do ES7 – next lesson is revision – me if there are any areas you would like to go through!

9 Home Learning Complete CI13.1 Start revising!

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