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Meriwether Lewis.

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Presentation on theme: "Meriwether Lewis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meriwether Lewis

2 Lewis was born on, August , 18 1774.
Birth Lewis was born on, August , He was the oldest sibling to Lucy and William.

3 Lewis was Thomas Jefferson's secretary.
Lewis was asked by Thomas Jefferson to lead a journey northwest.

4 The Journey The journey began on Lewis asked his best friend William Clark to help him lead the journey.

5 They used kneel boats to travel down river.

6 During the winter they stayed with the Mandan tribe.

7 During the journey they found the Great Falls and clamed it as a landmark.

8 On July 4, 1804 they held their first Independence Day.

9 When a crew member got sick, Lewis would use the choke cherry plant to cure the sickness.

10 Lewis discovered 178 plants and 122 animals.

11 They ate buffalo, turkey, geese, beaver, and fish.

12 Lewis died on October,


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