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Kingdom Tycoons © 2018 Cris Wildermuth

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1 Kingdom Tycoons © 2018 Cris Wildermuth
© 2018 Cris Wildermuth. Permission to use in educational settings. Please do not share or reproduce in other settings without the author’s permission. Contact the author at © 2018 Cris Wildermuth

2 Objective Win the opportunity to build the new Kingdom Tycoon City (a combination of buildings and structures).

3 Background You have woken up in the “Starting Gate” of a new kingdom. The community’s first “Round Table” has decided to allocate resources according to your effort and wits.

4 Effort and Merit will be rewarded.
Rewards Effort and Merit will be rewarded.

5 Background After resources are allocated you will be placed in a team and asked to build the prototype of a new city.

6 Objective Follow the rules of the competition in order to obtain the bricks needed to be the Kingdom’s Tycoon Team!

7 The Bottom Line Earn. Bricks.

8 The Bottom Line After you EARN BRICKS you must use them (and only them) to build the dazzling prototype of a new city.

9 Phase 3: Build the prototype
Phases Phase 1: Trade cards Phase 2: Earn bricks Phase 3: Build the prototype

10 Phase 1

11 Objective of Phase 1 Earn bricks. Earn the best possible poker hand.

12 Poker Hands

13 Phase 1

14 Phase 1- Trade!

15 Phase 1 – Trade! Your envelopes contain one brick and five cards.
You have 5 minutes to trade cards as much as you like.

16 Phase 1 - Objectives Objective: To obtain the best possible poker hand. Trade only one card with one person at a time. Trades are accomplished through mini card challenges.

17 Phase 1 – Trading Rules First, challenge an opponent by presenting one single high card (hidden, do not show until both opponents choose a card). The highest card wins (If there is a tie, the person whose age is closest to Cris’ age wins). The winner may then see all his/her opponent’s cards and trade any card at will (one card per trade only – then move on to the next person).

18 Blue Exception! If you own a blue brick you do not have to show your cards even if you lose. In that case, your opponent must pick a card at random from your hand (without seeing it).

19 Caution You do not have to trade – continue trading only while it is in your best interests to do so.

20 Phase 1 Open your envelopes.

21 Start Trading!

22 Phase 2

23 Line up according to your hands!

24 Team Allocation Top 3 hands: The Dukes Team (blue pipe cleaners)
Next 3 hands: The Knights Team (yellow pipe cleaners) Remaining hands: The Peasants Team (red pipe cleaners)

25 A Round of Applause… The class applauds the Dukes!

26 Phase 3

27 Supplies Idea given by Sarah Hinzman: Hand in “boxes of supplies” to each group. How about: The Dukes’ group will receive a box containing decorations, candy, flowers, a tablecloth, etc. The Knights’ group may receive (for instance) only candy or only a tablecloth. The Peasants group could receive motivational advice (how to work harder, smarter, etc.) or self help books.

28 Build Your Kingdom Prototype

29 Building Rules 15 minutes. Use ONLY bricks.
Get ready to sell your solution to the Panel of Judges.

30 Lottery! Purchase “lottery tickets” for a chance to win the jackpot envelope. The jackpot envelope contains bricks! One peasant gets a new envelope

31 Misfortune! You have lost all your riches.
Join the Peasant Group for the remainder of the game.

32 Tax Time! All citizens must hand in 10% of your brick earnings.
The 10% tax must be “rounded up” (for instance, 0.1 of a brick = 1 brick, 0.5 of a brick = 1 brick).

33 Constitution! All citizens of the Kingdom may propose a change of rules.

34 Constitution! Dukes, please decide whether the proposed Rules will become the Law of the Land.

35 Judgment Pick judges only from the top teams.

36 Round Tables

37 Round Tables What did you feel during the simulation?
Did team membership (i.e., Dukes, Knights, Peasants) impact the way you saw your team members? If so, how? Did team membership impact the “Constitution”? If so, how? What does the simulation have to do with “real life”? What will you do, as a leader, to address some of the issues you experienced during the simulation?

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