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39th National Immunization Conference

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1 39th National Immunization Conference
Using Registry Data in Daily Program Operations: The Washington, D.C. Experience Karyn L. Berry, MD, MPH March 23, 2005 39th National Immunization Conference Washington, DC

2 Washington, DC Overview
District of Columbia: “City-state” Self-governing Congressional budget approval & oversight Non-voting congressional representation Overall population: 572,059 residents African-American: % ,321 White: % ,101 Hispanic % ,953 Asian/PI % ,537 112,000 (20%) of residents are Children (2002)

3 DC Immunization Registry
Overview Began with Immunization Linked to DC Birth Registry Became internet-based October Added Medicaid EPSDT Program “Age-less” System: tracks records birth to death Records accessed more than 2.5 million times since system began tracking in May 1996 Contains 366,479 Individual’s Records 4,015,843 million Immunizations 2,247 exemptions 64,236 histories of Varicella data from March 1, 2005

4 DC Registry & Daily Work
Importance of integrating the Immunization Registry with Immunization Program Functions Cost savings in using data multiple times Decreased staff time in completing assignments Increased unification of program components: Team Approach Guidance for Integrating: Immunization Program Operations Manual (IPOM)

5 DC Registry & Vaccine Management
Capture VFC Eligibility Status for each dose of vaccine Capture VFC PIN of Provider giving vaccine Capture lot number and manufacturer for tracking Project Vaccine Needs Generate Doses Administered Reports by Patient Age for Specific Time Periods by VFC-eligibility

6 DC Registry & Provider QA
Web-based Lists of patients for Reminder (“Due”) Notices and Recall (“Overdue”) Monthly reports to Medicaid, Medicaid MCOs, WIC, Schools… Web-based export of Registry data to CASA Registry reports on immunization levels beyond CASA Other Age Groups: 0-4-year-olds, school-age Track incorrectly administered doses and other vaccine rules (4-day grace period) Display record with vaccine assessment (incorrect doses marked)

7 DC Immunization Registry Record

8 DC Registry & Service Delivery
Linked to WIC Program WIC Enrollment tracked in Registry (monthly update) Key WIC Sites linked to Registry (view only) Monthly Immunization Level reports generated for each WIC site (17 sites) Monthly reminder/recall lists generated for each site (also available on web) Linked to Child Care and Head Start Programs Enrollment tracked in Registry (yearly update) Immunization level reports and reminder/recall lists for each site (also available on web)

9 DC Registry & Consumer Information
Prints official immunization records for clients Incorporates Broadcast Fax System Send out health alerts/advisories to community providers Send out alerts for upcoming Immunization Clinics

10 DC Registry & Surveillance
Disease investigators access Registry as “Users” over internet Generate individual immunization histories on clients Generate reports on students enrolled in specific school, child-care, Head Start center Track Perinatal Hepatitis B cases Identify vaccine provider if follow-up required Track vaccine lot numbers in case of recall Track vaccine adverse events

11 DC Registry & Assessment
All Assessment activities done solely through Registry Child-care facilities (comprehensive) Head Start facilities (comprehensive) Public, Charter, Parochial, Private Schools (comprehensive) WIC Specific populations (physician/clinic, adults, STD/HIV, corrections) All varicella histories and exemptions (religious and medical) are entered into Registry and counted in Forecasting Algorithm Utilization of Registry for DC Public School Immunization Initiative Monthly and on-line reports of immunization levels Monthly and on-line lists non-compliant students

12 DC Registry & School: Enrollment
ES (101): 39,161 MS (11): 4,638 JHS (9): 5,111 SHS (20): 12,311 Special ed schools (20+): 1,058

13 School Demographics & Diversity
Student population by race/ethnicity: African-Americans: 84.4% Hispanics: 9.4% Whites: 4.6% Asian Americans: 1.6% Other: % 112 different home languages representing 138 different nationalities 60.8% of DCPS students receive free or reduced price meal support

14 School Immunization Survey
By law- DCPS requires all children (pre-school thru 12th grade) to be immunized Yearly enrollment and immunization check of all students Can be excluded from school Required immunizations: ACIP schedule for: DTaP, polio, HIB, Hepatitis B, MMR, Varicella, Td Doses must be appropriately spaced & given at appropriate ages June 2001: Survey demonstrated 40% compliance with required immunizations for DCPS students Almost 40,000 students required immunizations/data

15 Immunization Requirements

16 DC Registry & School: Results
Compliance rates increased from 40% at the end of school year SY to greater than 94% by mid SY Improvements in public school immunization compliance were demonstrated equally across the community Current immunization levels (DCPS = 94.38%) place DC in the upper echelon of system compliance nationwide Data is collected, analyzed and reported on in 1 system: The DC Immunization Registry

17 DC Schools: See the Success!

18 Key Working Partnerships
DC Immunization Program Technical expertise Tool: Registry Data entry, analysis & distribution School Health Services Record collection Contact with school principals & parents DCPS Enrollment data Enforcement of immunization laws DC Medicaid Admin Enrollment data MCO accountability Medicaid MCO’s Member follow-up Provider communication Providers Patient access Implementing ACIP schedule Community partners Outreach & follow-up activities Parents

19 Value of the DC Registry
On-going healthcare tracking system established Reduced over/under immunization due to lost records Improved Provider immunization practices Decreased Provider labor to locate patient records Decreased labor required to assess immunizations and prepare reports (e.g., school forms, HEDIS, surveys, CASA) Improved School immunization rates

20 Future of the DC Registry
Mandatory reporting by Providers Expand system usage to more Providers and Groups Expand linkages with other Systems Child Care WIC Lead Screening

21 Acknowledgements District of Columbia Department of Health
Primary Care Prevention and Planning Administration Maternal and Family Health Administration Health Promotion Administration Children’s Hospital Medical Center Children’s School Services District of Columbia Public Schools DC Medicaid Administration and Managed Care Organizations DC Immunization Coalition World Vision DC Pharmaceutical Companies – Aventis, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline and Wyeth

22 Contact Information Immunization Program Rosie McLaren, PHA Phone: (202) x24 Registry/Tracking System C Thomas, RN Phone: (202) x11

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