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Electronic Relaxation Processes of Transition Metal Atoms in Helium Nanodroplets Andreas Kautsch, Institute of Experimental Physics ISMS, 06/09/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Relaxation Processes of Transition Metal Atoms in Helium Nanodroplets Andreas Kautsch, Institute of Experimental Physics ISMS, 06/09/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Relaxation Processes of Transition Metal Atoms in Helium Nanodroplets
Andreas Kautsch, Institute of Experimental Physics ISMS, 06/09/2014

2 Motivation Helium Nanodroplets (HeN) Chemical reactions in HeN
Cold matrix (0.4 K) Confinement: Surface / Center Low perturbation Chemical reactions in HeN Reaction barriers Photoinduced triggering

3 Experimental Setup TNozzle ≈ K  – 1800 He per droplet Cr source: T ~ 1900 K pNozzle = 50 bar

4 Cr in HeN: Excitation Spectrum
~400 cm-1 Kautsch, M. Koch, and W. E. Ernst: J. Phys. Chem. A, 117 (2013) 9621 M. Ratschek, J. V. Pototschnig, A. Hauser, and W. E. Ernst: JPC A in press (2014) DOI: /jp

5 Dispersed Fluorescence
Droplet mediated relaxation between different multiplicities Unequal level population Ejection from droplet A. Kautsch, M. Koch, and W. E. Ernst: J. Phys. Chem. A, 117 (2013) 9621

6 Dynamics - Visualized A. Kautsch, M. Koch, and W. E. Ernst: J. Phys. Chem. A, 117 (2013) 9621

7 Spatial Separation & Recombination

8 a5S a7S Unpublished work removed
A. Kautsch, M. Koch, and W. E. Ernst: submitted (2014) M. Ratschek, J. V. Pototschnig, A. Hauser, and W. E. Ernst: JPC A in press (2014) DOI: /jp S. J. Riley, E. K. Parks, L. G. Pobo, and S. Wexler: JCP 79 (1983) 2577

9 Cr2 Photoionization Spectra
Unpublished work removed A. Kautsch, M. Koch, and W. E. Ernst: submitted (2014)

10 Photoinduced Dissociation & Photoinduced Recombination

11 Summary

12 Outlook

13 Thank you! Friedrich Lindebner, Markus Koch, Wolfgang E. Ernst Grant N20 A. Kautsch, M. Koch, and W. E. Ernst: J. Phys. Chem. A, 117 (2013) 9621 Kautsch, M. Koch, and W. E. Ernst: submitted (2014) M. Ratschek, J. V. Pototschnig, A. Hauser, and W. E. Ernst: JPC A in press (2014) DOI: /jp J. V. Pototschnig, M. Ratschek, A. W. Hauser, and W. E. Ernst. PCCP 16 (2014)

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