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Jakub Jícha Dušan Špelina

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1 Jakub Jícha Dušan Špelina
Upgrade CS OTE Jakub Jícha Dušan Špelina 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

2 Agenda 1 Planned change in external interface of CS OTE 2
Testing and parael run Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

3 Interface of CS OTE Access to CS OTE via Formats of messages
Web services - HTTPS/SOAP SMTP ( ) Formats of messages XML according to std. OTE XML according to std. ETSO EDI according to std. OTE (based on EDINE) Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

4 Web services interface
New specification of web services Synchronious communication via SOAP protocol ver. 1.1, type SOAP-Document Used for structured data (XML) exchange Synchronious communication via SOAP protocol ver. 1.1, simplified version Used for EDI message trasfer in mode client/server only Ways of communication client-server – initialization is from clients side. Client systém have to support web services according defined standard. server-server – inicialization from both sides. Clients systém must have accessible web services according to OTE std. This way is possible to use only for SOAP-Document type of comm. Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

5 Nová struktura SOAP SOAP-Document
Header WS (SOAP:Header) Message Body XML signature XML structure according to concreate specification of message SOAP – simplified version for EDI transfer Header WS – not used Body – 1 parameter (element) DATA, that have to contain digitally singned message in form PKCS#7 with encryption base64. Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

6 XML messages formats – changes in Upgrade CS OTE
Formats XML according to OTE standard Extension of MASTERDATA structure, new comm. scenarios assignment / change – subject of settlement (individually or within the supplier change process) assignment / change the role of observer at OPM Electronical assignment of repsponsibility for imbalance Finished support for registration of bilateral contracts (replaced by evidence of realization diagrams according to std. ETSO) Support for communication merged markets ČR/SR New indetification EIC (not relevant for market participants) Data exchange between coordinators of short-term markets and TSO New comm. scenarios For market participants – Information about market coupling capacity (MCC)(ETSO ECAN.CapacityDocument / ESR.StatusRequest / EAD.AcknowledgementDocument ) SFVOT reports modification Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

7 XML formats – changes in Upgrade CS OTE
XML messages according to ETSO For communication in area of „registration of realization diagrams “ are used standard XML messages according to ETSO specification: ETSO Scheduling System (ESS) V3R1 ETSO Acknoledgement Process V5R0 ETSO Status Request V1R1 For communication between OTE – ČEPS and SEPS in area of market couplingare used XML messages according to following ETSO standards: ETSO Scheduling system ESS – Version 3 Release 1 ETSO Capacity Allocation and Nomination ECAN – Version 4 Release 0 ETSO Acknowledgement Document EAD – Version 5 Release 0 ETSO formats will be implemented in exact format that is published at ETSO web site Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

8 EDI messages – changes in Upgrade CS OTE
External interface of automatic communication will support EDI (std EDINE with statutory requirements adjustments) for following processes: Communication in area of measured data For input in format MSCONS For confirmation in format APERAK Communication in area of additional invoicing data for distributors VO (DUF VO) A scope and form of messages will not differ from current implementation. Support of other EDI messages will be closed. Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

9 Documentation Documentation is available in draft version 1.0. During implementation can be changed in case of new demands. OTE will inform all market participants. Dokument Popis D1.4.1_Formaty_EDI_V1_0 EDI messages D1.4.2_Formaty_XML_V1_0 XML messages including XSD templates D1.4.3_Rozhrani_web_sluzeb_V1_0 Description of web services D1.4.4_Rozhrani_automaticke_komunikace_IS_OTE_V1_0 IS OTE interface –XML formats for trading, realization diagrams, settlement results (updated current documentation) Specifikace formátů ETSO XML messages according to ETSO. Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

10 Agenda 1 Change in interfaces of CS OTE 2 Testing and parael run
Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

11 Testing Complex testing KV1
In test enviroment with simulated interface with each type of interface, basic functionality tests OTE and Logica KV2 In test enviroment with 2-3 ext. Subjects – interfaces test incl. Test of comm. Abilities of CS OTE (benchmark) KV3 In test enviroment with connected key market participants (all distributors incl. Local ones, TSO, one selected local distributor and 3 traders with electricity) incl. Basic functionalities test (web interface) of Ugraded CS OTE. Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

12 Parael run current and upgraded CS OTE
Primary system – current system CS OTE that is operated in production till the end of year 2009. Secondary system for evaluation – upgraded system Purpose of parael run It is ment for evaluation and adaptation of upgraded system by market participants. An optional comparison of results and outputs from upgrade CS OTE Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

13 Phases of parael run I. Phase – data processing check (parael data input to both enviroments) The purpose is evaluation and comparison of modules that have not been modified in scope of upgrade or modules that were modified during a year 2009 in both enviroments. This phase will affect mostly Center of Data Services (processing of measured data, aggregations, reallocation and outputs for subjects of settlement that are input for settlement of imbalance process.) Cooperation of OTE and Logica II. Phase – evaluation of external interfaces and new features of upgraded systém with market participants The aim is to evaluate whether all market participants are all set to go-live (productive run) from Above all in those areas: Modification of external interfaces Evaluation of market participants readiness to all amended functionalities and features even possible changes of their processes & systems. III. Phase – complex operation examination (simulation of production run) The main target of this phase is complex evaluation of all activities during a trading day (or days) that will include collection of data, their processing and settlement. Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

14 Parael run – Phase II. – evaluation of external interfaces and new features
CS OTE enviroment will be created as an copy of productive system to date Market participants Setup of all interfaces (with cooperation of OTE/Logica) Test of used communication scenarios Recommended for all market participants Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

15 Parael run - Phase III. Complex evaluation
Evaluation of all processes in one trading day Introduction of all new interfaces (web + automatical communication) Participants Simulation of complex operations Trading (all markets), registration of diagrams, supplier change process, measured data … Open for all market participants (the more contributors the better evaluation) Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

16 Access items for the parael run
To establish an encrypted channel for automatic communication during KV2 and KV3 phases we offer following variants of certificates: SW certificates that will be valid after parael run and will be used for testing/training enviroment – they’ll be handed out free of charge. Be warned that sw certificate has possible security breach of copying this access item and with the knowledge of a password it can grant the access to historical data stored within the testing / training system. HW certificates that will be used for testing / training after period of parael run – those certificates will be issued on standard commerce terms either from OTECA or I. Certification authority. Usage of currently issued testing certificates – some of participants have HW certificates for testing purposes today. Those certificates can be used during testing phases KV2 and KV3 and all parael run. Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

17 Extract from Project schedule
Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

18 Thank you for your attention
Upgrade CS OTE 16. Januar 2019 | Title of Presentation

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