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11 Soil Characteristics Conditions that impact on the development of soils The various processes active in soils Global variations in soil types One Irish.

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Presentation on theme: "11 Soil Characteristics Conditions that impact on the development of soils The various processes active in soils Global variations in soil types One Irish."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 Soil Characteristics Conditions that impact on the development of soils The various processes active in soils Global variations in soil types One Irish soil type (Brown Earths) and one sub-continental soil type (Aridisols) Human interaction with soil characteristics in the Sahel

2 Chapter 11: Soil Characteristics
Soil-forming factors Parent material Climate Topography Biological activity Human interference Time

3 Chapter 11: Soil Characteristics
Soil processes Weathering Erosion Leaching Podsolisation Laterisation Humification Calcification Salinisation

4 Chapter 11: Soil Characteristics
Classification of soils Zonal soils Intrazonal soils Azonal soils

5 Chapter 11: Soil Characteristics
Brown Earths (Irish soil) Zonal soils under deciduous forest Cool temperate oceanic climate Most common Irish soil type Fertile, dark brown, high humus Crumb structure, loamy, slightly acidic, easily worked, productive Biological activity, aerate and mix Acidic Brown Earths: low pH Podzolic Brown Earths: leached

6 Chapter 11: Soil Characteristics
Aridisols (sub-continental soil) Hot dry conditions Poorly developed Light grey Limited humus Rapid growth after rainfall

7 Chapter 11: Soil Characteristics
The Sahel: soil erosion Overgrazing Overcropping Deforestation Desertification Soil conservation

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