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Youth Delegate Agency RFP Bidders’ Conference October 4, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Delegate Agency RFP Bidders’ Conference October 4, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Delegate Agency RFP Bidders’ Conference October 4, 2018

2 Agenda Welcome and Partnership Overview
Overview of Funding Streams and Structure WIOA Participant Flow WIOA Program Models Youth Innovation Fund Opportunity Works Budget Forms Evaluation Process Submittal Procedures Question and Answers

3 @ChiCookWorks #ChiCookWorks
About The Partnership Created in 2012, The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership (The Partnership) is an umbrella organization operating the public workforce system in the City of Chicago and Cook County. The Partnership combines federal and philanthropic resources to broaden the reach and impact of workforce development services for both employers and job seekers. As the largest workforce development system in the nation, The Partnership has helped place more than 60,000 individuals in employment, collaborated with more than 2,000 employers and administers more than $300 million in federal and philanthropic funds. The Partnership’s network of 53 community-based organizations, 10 American Job Centers, and sector-driven workforce centers serve 132 municipalities. Focusing on the region’s labor market, The Partnership provides training, business services, career coaching and data analysis, in the following high-growth and high-demand industries: Business and Professional Services Healthcare Retail, Culinary, and Hospitality Information Technology For more information about The Partnership, visit call , follow us on social or Subscribe to In the Works, The Partnership’s monthly eNewsletter. Manufacturing Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Construction @ChiCookWorks #ChiCookWorks

4 @ChiCookWorks #ChiCookWorks
Our Motivation Vision Every person has the opportunity to build a career; every business has the talent to grow and compete in a global economy. Mission To create, promote, and effectively manage a network of workforce development organizations that: Designs innovative solutions to address business needs, and, Prepares individuals for, and connects them to, career opportunities Person and Business Network or organizations…it could be you @ChiCookWorks #ChiCookWorks

5 Partnership Youth Vision
Youth System Vision We envision a system where all young adults in Cook County are able to easily access a comprehensive and integrated set of education and training supports that increases the number of young adults productively engaged in the workforce, thereby increasing self-sufficiency and reducing poverty. The Partnership seeks to be a leader in empowering “opportunity youth” to obtain employment, re-engage in school, prepare for post- secondary education and/or connect to industry focused education and training programs.

6 Business Services Team
System Overview Job Postings Recruitment Candidate Assessment Employee Up skilling Data and Analytics Sector Strategies Career Coaching Individual Employment Plan Training Job Search Career Pathways Talent Pipeline Job Seeker Employer Youth Delegate Agency Business Services Team Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership Career Coach

7 A. Out-of-School (4 models, must choose 1)
Funding Streams WIOA Youth A. Out-of-School (4 models, must choose 1) B. In-School C. Innovation Fund County/ Private D. Opportunity Works 2 Funding Streams and 2RFPs in one Solicitation Braiding of funds 4 Options can apply for all WIOA is federal funds rules apply, more regulations In and Out our focus is on Out of School Setting Aside some fund for Innovation- Respondents must secure WIOA Youth funds to receive Innovation Fund award Respondents can apply for one of all A, B, C, D funding options

8 Contract Structure Funding Minimum Staffing
WIOA Funding and Staffing Requirements Term: January 1, 2019-June 30, 2019 With 3 One Year Renewal Options Cost Reimbursement Contract Contract Structure Source: WIOA (In or Out of School) Available Funds: $5,625,000-$6,175,000 Maximum 20% spent on In-School Minimum Annual Amount: $300,000 Required 22% toward work experience Required 5% toward support services Funding Two Full Time Career Coaches One Full Time Business Representative Minimum Staffing WIOA Initial 6 months term Out of School is main focus Minimum staffing $300K minimum combined with in and out

9 WIOA Participant Flow Services must include work experience!
Outreach and Recruitment Eligibility and Enrollment Assessment and Career Planning Service Components and Access to 14 Elements Placement and Follow Up Refer to the website for policy letters Services must include work experience!

10 WIOA Performance Measures
Definition PY 18 Goal 2nd Qtr. Placement in Employment/Education Participants who are in post secondary education or in unsubsidized employment in the 2nd quarter after exit 62% 4th Qtr. Placement in Employment/Education Participants who are in post secondary education or in unsubsidized employment in the 4th quarter after exit 58% Median Earnings The median (middle) average earnings of youth who are in unsubsidized employment TBD Credential Attainment Participants who obtain a recognized post-secondary credential or a secondary school diploma/GED during participation or within 1 year after exit 60% Measurable Skills Gain Participants in an education training program who demonstrate achievements/progress in skills during the program year Measure Definition Goal

11 WIOA Youth Program Models
Reconnection To Education (OSY) Target group: Young Adults disconnected to education system Objective: To provide resources and training leading to GED and employment Outcomes: Gains in reading and math, attainment of high school diploma or GED, credentials, placement in employment or post secondary Post Secondary Education/Training and Employment (OSY) Target Group: Young Adults with high diploma or GED Objective: To provide occupational training and support to prepare youth for post-secondary education Outcomes: Certificate attainment and placement within a training related industry; college acceptance, college enrollment and persistence

12 Youth Program Models Sector Based Training and Employment (OSY)
Target group: Young Adults interested in a particular industry; Design features employer partners within a specific sector Objective: To provide industry specific skills and prepare young adults for employment and advanced education along a career path Outcomes: Certificates, industry credentials, placement in employment or college Young Adult Career Pathways (OSY) Target Group: Young Adults in need of employment Objective: To prepare and place youth in employment along a career path Outcomes: Credentials, entrance into employment with growth opportunities, job retention

13 WIOA Youth Program Models In-School Youth
Target group: Youth enrolled in high school who have a disability, or are or at risk of dropping out or English languages learners Objective: To provide resources to achieve in high school and prepare for post- secondary education and/or employment Outcomes: High School diploma, math and reading gains, entrance into employment and/or post secondary education Key Points: At most, 20% of WIOA youth funds spent on In-School Must serve hard to serve populations such as, youth with disabilities, youth at risk of dropping out and English language learners

14 WIOA Innovation Fund Innovation Fund Target group: WIOA Enrolled Youth
Objective: Incentivize and reward innovative solutions to problems confronting our communities and the public workforce system; Identify new best practices for serving youth in region Outcomes: Improved outcomes, new service models, higher levels of service

15 Opportunity Works Opportunity Works
Target group: Unemployed young adults ages who live in Suburban Cook County Objective: Exposure to career opportunities in high growth sectors, paid work experience, internships with industry Outcomes: Establish career goal, develop work readiness skills, employment within sector and/or advanced training

16 Contract Structure Funding Staffing
Opportunity Works Funding and Structure Term: January 1, June 30,2019 With 3 One Year Renewal Options Cost Reimbursement Contract Contract Structure Source: Private Funds Available Funds: $900,000-$1,000,000 7 week Paid Internship $11/hour Partnership may provide an advance of funds Funding Career Mentor to Participant Ratio 1:15 Ability to administer payroll (directly or sub-contract) Staffing

17 Opportunity Works Participant Flow
Outreach and Recruitment Eligibility and Enrollment (Central Application) Foundational Skills Training & Career Planning Paid Internship Connection to Longer Term Services With private sector employer at least 6 weeks

18 % of Internship Beginners
Opportunity Works Program Metrics Measure Definition Goal Metrics Ratio Contract Goal Number of youth who participate in foundational skills % of Total Served 100% Number of youth who participate in career exploration Number of youth who participate in an internship 90% Number of youth who complete an internship % of Internship Beginners 80% 72% Number of youth that have a successful post program transition 75% Percent of Internship Positions in the TDL sector 50%

19 Organizational Experience/
Evaluation and Selection Process Organizational Experience/ Past Performance Program Narrative Fiscal Review CRITERIA POINT VALUE Organizational Structure and Experience 15 Staffing Plan, Qualifications, Professional Development Program Narrative 50 Financial Structure and Fiscal Plan 20 Total Points Available 100

20 RFP Time Line Activity Anticipated Date RFP Plans to Youth Committee
September 12, 2018 RFP RELEASE September 26, 2018 Pre-Submittal Conference October 4, 2018 Proposal Due Date October 29, 2018 Proposal Review Period Late October-November Recommendations to Youth Committee Early December Recommendations to Board Mid December Grant Start Date January 1, 2019 Initial Funding Period Ends June 30, 2019

21 Choose Your Own Response
A. OSY #Ed Reconnect Fiscal Response OSY #Post Sec WIOA OSY and/or ISY OSY #Sector Based *Separately bound and Includes additional copy of budget forms OSY #Career Path B. Choose Funding Stream(s) ISY Executive Summary and Organizational Experience Budget Forms All Necessary forms and Attachments C. Innovation Fund D. Key: Opportunity Works required for all proposals decision point select A-D OSY model must select 1

22 Organizational Experience
Proposal Response Complete one for the organization Identify Funding stream(s) and/or Model(s) Overview of Organization and Experience Exec Summary-2 pages Organizational Info/Exp-3 pages Executive Summary Organizational Experience Complete one for each funding stream and/or model Answer questions and attachments, forms 12 page limit for each Innovation Fund 3 page limit Include copy of budget and budget narrative with program narrative; one budget narrative for each stream/model Include all required forms and attachments Program Narrative(s) Submit One for the organization Answers to Fiscal Questions and Questionnaire All Fiscal Attachments and Forms Submitted in a separate bound packet Fiscal Response

23 Fiscal Response Fiscal Narrative Response Fiscal Questionnaire
IRS W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certifications Certificate of Good Standing or Tax Exemption Certificate Most Recent Financial Audit Cost Allocation Plan Approved Indirect Cost Rate List of Board of Directors Signed Statements of Assurance and Compliance Budget Summary Forms (Excel): Use required forms Budget Narrative for each funding stream

24 Submission Requirements
One Original and 4 copies: Exec Summary, Organizational Experience, Program Narrative(s), all necessary forms and attachments. One Original Fiscal Response, separately bound One Electronic Copy of All Documents (USB flash drive) Original Copy must contain original signatures in Blue Ink Single sided printing Numbered pages with Organization Name in footer Double spaced 12 point font Tabbed sections Bound ONLY on left side with a 2 hole punch and a sliding clasp

25 Submittal Packaging Each envelope or package should be labeled as follows: Proposal for Youth Delegate Agencies Date of Submission Name of Respondent Package ___ of ___ Delivered to: Illona Sheffey-Rawlings, CAO/General Counsel c/o The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership 69 W. Washington Suite 2860 Chicago Il

26 Questions and Updates Staff members are unable to provide technical assistance during the application process. Please do NOT contact staff directly with any questions. The Partnership website: All questions should be directed to: Last day to submit questions: Friday, October 12, 2018 at 12:00p.m. noon All questions and answers posted on website by Wednesday, October 17, 2018 WIOA Policy Letters posted on the Partnership website at the website

27 Proposal Due Date Completed RFP responses must be submitted on or by 4:30 P.M. Monday October 29, 2018. Proposals received after this date and time are considered late and will not be accepted.

28 Please submit all questions in writing to
Questions and Answers Please submit all questions in writing to Final answers will be posted in writing on the website. Only answers in writing and posted are the final answers. Please submit all questions in writing. For more information about The Partnership, visit or call , follow us on social or Subscribe to In the Works, The Partnership’s monthly eNewsletter.

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