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Presentation on theme: "LIGHTNING AND INSULATIONS COORDINATION"— Presentation transcript:


2 Correlations between Return stroke current magnitude and
Lightning Parameters Strike distance Stroke current magnitude Keraunic Level Ground Flash Density Correlations between Return stroke current magnitude and strike distance rs = 10 I Love (1993) rs = 8 IEEE (1985) rs = 3.3 Suzuki (1981) rs : the strike distance to ground in (m) I : the return stroke current in (kA)

3 Keraunic level is defined as the average number
The equation stroke current, I = rs Keraunic level is defined as the average number of thunderstorm days or hours for a given locality. A daily keraunic level is called a thunderstorm-day and is the average number of days per year on which thunder will be heard during a 24 hours period. The average annual keraunic level for locations can be determined by referring to keraunic maps.

4 Annual frequency of thunderstorm days in the world

5 Ground flash density (GFD) is defined as the average
number of strokes per unit area per unit time at a particular location. It is usually assumed that the GFD to earth, a substation, or a transmission or distributions line is roughly proportional to the keraunic level at the locality. . The general form of the ground flash density Ng = k Td : the number of thunderstorm days per year, the keraunic level. k and a : Constants have been proposed.

6 The equations that suggested to determine Ground Flash Density,
Ng = 0.12 Td Ng = 0.036 The relationship between thunderstorms hours per year Th and ground flash density as suggested by CIGRE, Ng = Th

7 Fixed angles for shielding wires
The value of the angle that is commonly used is 450. Both 300 and 450 are widely used for angle . Fixed angles for shielding wires

8 Fixed angles for mast

9 Allowable stroke current
Flashover occurs if the voltage produced by lightning stroke current flowing through the surge impedance Of the station bus exceeds the withstand value, = = =

10 IS : The allowable stroke current (kA)
BIL : The Basic lightning Impulse Level (kV) CFO : Critical flashover voltage of the insulation being considered (kV). ZS : The surge impedance of the conductor through which the surge is phasing (ohm) 1.1. : The factor to account for the reduction of stroke current terminating on a conductor as compared to zero impedance earth

11 Principle of the rolling sphere method
The Electrogeometric Model (EGM) by the rolling sphere method. Principle of the rolling sphere method

12 rs = 8 k I 0.065 The relationship between strike distance rs
and return stroke current I (for the striking distance S ) in the rolling sphere method rs = 8 k I 0.065 k = 1 for strokes to wires or the ground plane and = 1.2 for a stroke to lightning mast

13 Definitions according to IEEE std 1313-1996;
Basic Lightning Impulse Insulation Level ( BIL) : The electrical strength of insulation expressed in terms of the crest value of a standard lightning impulse under standard atmospheric conditions. Basic Switching Impulse Insulation Level (BSL) : The electrical strength of insulation expressed in terms of the crest value of a standard switching impulse. BSL may be expressed as either statistical or conventional. Conventional BIL : The crest value of standard lightning impulse for which the insulation shall not exhibit disruptive discharge when subjected to a specific number of applications of this impulse under specified conditions, applicable specifically to non-self-restoring insulations.

14 Lightning over-voltage: a type of transient over-
voltage in which a fast front voltage is produced by lightning or fault. Such over-voltage is usually unidirectional and of very short duration. Lightning over-voltage: a type of transient over- voltage in which a fast front voltage is produced by lightning or fault. Such over-voltage is usually unidirectional and of very short duration.

15 Standar 1.2 x 50 Lightning impulse voltage Theoretical

16 PRACTICAL Standard Impulse

17 Maximum residual voltage of Lightning Arrester
Arrester Rating F.O.W 10 kA Light and heavy-duty and 5 kA kVrms kV/µs Std kV peak F.O.W kV peak 84 700 302 347 96 790 324 371 102 830 343 394 108 870 363 418 120 940 400 463 126 980 420 485 138 1030 460 530 150 1080 500 577 174 1160 570 660 186 1180 610 702 Vr Var F.OW : From of wave voltage impulse spark over Var : Voltage discharge of Arrester

18 Determine of Voltage rating of the lightning Arrester
Vr = Vn x 1.1. x Grounding coefficient (Cg) Cg : (Effective grounded) Cg : (Solid grounded). For system voltage 133 kV effective grounded, = 133 x 1.1. x 0.8 = Volt

19 Insulation strength of equipments to impulse wave is
determined by the Basic Lightning Impulse Level (BIL). t1 is the equivalent time to crest based on the time taken to rise 10-90% of the crest. t2 is the time between the origin of 10 – 90 % virtual front and the point where drops to half value . Some insulation is also tested with a chopped wave CCW, a chopped wave has the same characteristic as the 1.2 x 50 wave, but the wave save is chopped off after 2 or 3

20 Margin Protection Insulation coordination is the process of determining the proper insulation levels of various components in a power system and their arrangement. Insulation coordination involves the following: Determination of line insulations Selection of the BIL and insulation levels of other apparatus, and Selection of lightning arresters.

21 The insulation coordination between equipment
(e.g., transformer) and a surge arrester 1. Transformer with 550 kVBIL 2. Line insulation of 9 suspension 3. Disconnecting switch 4. Bus insulation of 10 suspensions units

22 The Margin of Protection (MP) is The difference
between arrester discharge characteristics and equipment withstand level, at any given instant of time BILequip : the BIL of the equipment and Var : the discharge of voltage of arrester The margin of protection for the equipment protection and should not be less than 0.20 (20%)

23 Insulation coordination
Between equipment and surge arrester

24 Problem: A Substation transformer 66 kV/150 kV, have BIL of 275 kV/ 650 kV. A lightning arrester is installed on transformer terminal of 66 kV, has discharge voltage of 250 kV. (i) Calculate the protection margin in percentage. (ii) Is protection system installed has requirement of margin protection.

25 Solution MP (%) = { (275 – 250) / 275 } x 100 % = 9 %
Protection System not fulfill requirement because less than 20 %


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